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"Never heat a capped vessel." In both these steps a container is being heated and if not open to the atmosphere, pressure could build up inside and make the vessel explode.

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Q: Why are reflux and distillation setups open to atmosphere?
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What is the application of distillation?

this wedsite is just bab y did u open this site u have no answers

Why you can't store in open container?

Because from an open container a gas diffuse in the atmosphere.

What are the available surgical procedure in the Philippines for heartburn sufferers?

Majority of people do not need surgery for heartburn, which can be controlled with medications. Surgery is only indicated if trial with medication has failed or in cases of severe reflux it is interfering with normal work and life. Two options are available for anti reflux surgery, open surgery or Laparoscopic anti reflux surgery and both should be available in Good hospitals in Philippines

What keeps the lungs from collapsing when the airways are open to the atmosphere?

Transpulmonary pressure

What is difference between open reflux and closed reflux chemical oxygen demand measurement?

The closed reflux method is more efficient in the oxidation of volatile organic compounds than is the opened reflux method. The reason for this is that the oxidant is in contact with these compounds for a longer time. Besides, the closed method is cheaper as only 2 mL of sample is required, since 5 mL is the total volume of the mixture. This means that the amounts of reagents and sample are reduced by a factor of over 20 compared to the opened reflux method. In addition, this fact makes the method less contaminating and allows for the simultaneous digestion of a great number of samples

Why do solids have an open surface while gases not?

Gases also have but it is difficult to detect, air (atmosphere) has an outer open surface.

When in the open atmosphere where it is cloudy air is generally sinking and cooling?

rising and cooling

Why doe soda fizz when you open it?

The carbon dioxide (CO2) is released in the atmosphere.

What is open cycle and closed cycle?

In an open cycle gas turbine, the gases that are produced by combustion go directly into the atmosphere, though the heat produced can sometimes be reclaimed. In a closed cycle gas turbine, the gases produced are reused and are not emitted into the atmosphere.

Does a boiler kept in open atmosphere experience more losses than a room boiler?


Can you use parachute fabric on the moon?

There is no air in the moons atmosphere so a parachute would not open.

Can acid reflux cause a coated irritated tongue?

well;i was looking for same answer last day and i ll show you : I recommend you to open the 5 & 6 link hier , for more info