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because blazers make you too warm in the summer and you have to ask permission to take them off which upsets people :(

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3y ago

school uniforms are uncomfortable because students get distracted by the itchyness

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Related questions

Why are uniform bad?

they are ugly and uncomfortable

Are school uniform necessary?

no ---- Most countries don't bother with school uniform, including France, Germany and America. Many schools that do adopt uniforms cite smartness as the main reason behind this policy, but other argue that they are expensive and uncomfortable.

Why school uniform should not be compulsory?

Because they are ugly, uncomfortable, expensive, and do not help the children to behave. They just make kids hate school even more.

How silly was Roald Dahls Repton uniform?

Roald Dahl's Repton uniform was quite silly, as it consisted of a boater hat, tailcoat, yellow waistcoat, and knee-length socks. Dahl often joked about the uniform being uncomfortable and impractical for school life.

What is another word for uniform school?

school uniform

What does a children school uniform look like?

Every school that requires a uniform has a different uniform.

What are the Con's to the School Uniform?

- students can't express themselves. they will then try to alter their uniforms (girls roll up their skirts, etc) - the uniforms are quite expensive - they may be uncomfortable

How do you spell school uniform in french?

l'uniforme scolaire school uniform

Where do you get school uniform from?

A good shop for school uniform would be Dancers.

Can I wear my old school's uniform in my new school which doesn't have a uniform ( My old school uniform is green jacket and green skirt )?

Assuming there is no 'dress code' in your new school - there's nothing wrong with wearing your old school uniform.

What is the coolest school uniform?

JAPANESE SCHOOL UNIFORM is definitely the coolest in the world

Should you wear a uniform to school?

unless your school has a uniform then wear it but not then dont