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Science is known while religion is unknown.Science is physically proven while reliogion is mentally proven. Thus science is in the past while religion is in the future. However, both science and religion does not raise the standard of human evolution and the middle path between these two extremes is 'spiritual'. A spiritual journey travel inwards while science and religion delve on outwardly matters.

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Q: Why are science and religion best if they are totally ignored?
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Why does science see religion as a threat?

First Answer (by Tizziec) Religion sees science as a threat because in religion, the unknown provides power. As long as man does not know where he comes from, religion can use fear of that unknown to demand actions, beliefs and money. If science is able to answer the unknown questions of man, then religion is no longer necessary for those answers. In Christianity, if evolution is a fact, then Adam and Eve were not the first, there was no Garden of Eden, no Tree of Knowledge and no original Sin. Religion needs the unknown to create fear in its followers.Second Answer That's a difficult and complicated question. Here are some thoughts (mainly confined to Western civilization and Christianity and mainly over the time period from the rise of Christianity to the present). Prior to the rise of Science, Religion held a "monopoly" on Truth. Religion provided the only organized, comprehensive source of knowledge about the world and the way it worked, as well as how it should work. Religion provided the only explanations of physical phenomenon and how the world came to be. With the rise of Science, there came a new source of Truth, truth that was very, very successful within its purview ("extent or range of function, power, or competence"). The monopoly of Religion over Truth was broken, and with it the power of religion itself was threatened. Well, I can almost stop right there. That is one high level view of how Religion might see Science as a threat. Although in some ways Science IS a threat to Religion, the key phrase above is "extent or range of function, power, or competence". Religion and Science don't have the same purview in that sense. Each one has a niche, and it should be possible for them to coexist. Many responsible scientists are religious people and many responsible religious people understand these distinctions. Religion can provide comfort and guidance to people without trying to compete with Science. Science can continue to do what it does best without necessarily flaunting Religion. There is a parallel here with the "Separation of Church and State". The original proponent of such a separation was the Catholic saint Augustine of Hippo who lived around 400 AD, well before the rise of Science. His thrust in arguing for a separation of church and state was for the protection and preservation of Religion, not the state. The same argument applies today in that rather than trying to confront Science, Religion needs to stick to what it does best to survive and prosper. It is a simple fact in the world today that we all need to "get along" together if we are to survive. I would encourage people on both "sides" of the "debate" between Science and Religion to understand this and make friends to work together for the future of Mankind.

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Ignored by whom? My best employee is Filipino and I wouldn't trade him for anyone. Anyone that feels ignored by a society is usually someone with low self esteem.

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