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A scientist needs tools in order to conduct controlled experiments for gathering data. Without the proper materials, a scientist could not make objective observations on their field of research, and so their findings would be meaningless. Also, a scientist needs a large sample size in order to account for all variables that could influence the experiment.

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Q: Why are scientist tools important?
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Why is important for scientist to have tools?

It's important so that they can perform experiments and gather data.

What is the names of tools use by scientist for observing?

their tools and observations.

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Why do scientist all over the world use the same type of tools?

Scientist use the same tools because, so their measurements will be the same.

How do laboratory tools help improve the observations made by the scientist?

laboratory tools help to make easier the job of scientist and student on the experiment....

What do you think would be the two most important tools of a scientist?

The most important tool for any scientist is curiosity and the desire to know. Without this, the scientist is a mere lab technician. The second most important tool for any scientist is patience. The media love to portray scientists being struck by inspiration and having a eureka moment, but even the most inspired scientist has spent long hours in thought and research preparing her mind for that eureka flash of insight.

What are tools of a scientist?

Some tools are mircoscope,test tubes, test strips.

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