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because of the different weather around the world at different times of the year and how the earth and sun move

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Q: Why are seasons different around the world?
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Related questions

Are there seasons everywhere on earth at all times?

Yes there are seasons all around the world, all the year round.

Why the earth gets different seasons?

We have different seasons because the Earth is tilted at 23.5 degrees. The earth also revolves around the sun and that takes 365.25 days.

What gives the world 4 seasons?

the spinning earth around the sun

Different stars can be seen during different what?

seasons, it can also vary with your latitude, basically where you are around the sun

Why do you experience different seasons throughout the world?

Because of the changes in weather and climate.

How does UK get four different seasons?

The same way every other place in the world does. Because of the inclination of rotation about the earths axis and the earths orbit around the sun.

How are different seasons caused?

Seasons are caused by earth's tilt on it's axis. As earth revolves around the sun, it's tilt causes different amounts of sunlight to reach the surface in certain areas. That's what causes the seasons.

What is necessary for other planets in your solar system to have seasons like Earth?

the planet needs to be tilted on an axis and rotate around the sun so the sun will be strongest on different points of the world in different times of the revolution

Why are summers and winter different in different places around the world?

Well, seasons depend on the angle the earth is to the sun, and that makes the weather change, and while one section of the earth is at one angle, a different part is at another, and so winter and summers are different.

What would happen if the earth don't revolve around sun?

earth wouldn't have different seasons

Why are there different houses around the world?

because people around the world have different mindset

Where can you watch a different world tv episode?

Hulu just added all 6 seasons.