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Children grow at different rates, especially boys. It is normal, for example, for an 11 year old boy to be shorter than some girls his age.

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Q: Why are some eleven year olds short?
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I have no idea what the question is, but ?

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Eleven year olds can make money off of literature and arts by organizing and putting on a play, then charging admission for it.

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it is a good height, but not as tall as some eleven year olds. Don't get me wrong, your daughter/son is not short, but most eleven year olds are taller. Most are about five foot two or somewhere around that height. Hope this helps you! but then again there are shorter... k this one was written by a twelve year old so i would no... I know this girl that is 4,3 and she is 11 yrs old sooo it depends I am actually 5,0

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There are few highly paid jobs for eleven year olds, but some child actors or singers do quite well. Consult your agent.

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No you are too young. Do group things.

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10- 10.30pm

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In general, there are no specific world records designated for eleven-year-olds. Traditional world records are typically set by individuals of various ages. However, some organizations might keep track of records for specific age categories.

Eleven years old babysitting a 6 month old?

i really think it just dependson the elven year old. I think some kids may be able to be responsible enough, but most eleven year olds may not be mature enough

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Well no and because it like it

How fast do an eleven year olds fingernails grow?

It depends on the person. not their age. everyone's different

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Are there any places for eleven year olds to chat