

Jobs for Pre-Teens

Jobs for pre-teens (ages 9 to 14) are usually odd-jobs that pay on cash-basis, and require parental consent. Dog-walking, gardening, painting, or newspaper deliveries are some of the jobs a pre-teen normally undertakes.

550 Questions

Jobs for 12 yr olds?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are tons of ways to earn money!

~Mow the lawn

~Sell lemonade

~Have a garage sale



~pet sit

~dog walk

~car wash

~Pull weeds

Hope this helps!

Can you fill out the application for family dollar and get the job fast?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm unable to fill out the application on your behalf, but you can visit the Family Dollar website to complete the application. The hiring process's speed can vary based on the store's needs and the number of applicants. It's best to follow up with the store directly after submitting your application to express your interest.

Where and how can you get a newspaper delivery job for teens?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can inquire at local newspaper companies, supermarkets or through online job boards for newspaper delivery job opportunities for teens. Typically, these jobs require you to be at least 18 years old, have reliable transportation, and be able to work early morning hours.

Is there any newspaper jobs for 13 year-olds in jacksonville fl?

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No, it is unlikely for 13-year-olds to find job opportunities with newspapers in Jacksonville, FL due to child labor laws and restrictions on employment for minors. Minors under 14 are typically limited to certain types of work, such as babysitting or delivering newspapers, with strict regulations in place. It is advisable to explore other suitable opportunities that align with your age and local labor laws.

13 year old boy paper round job in his neibourghhood?

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A 13-year-old boy can typically get a paper round job in his neighborhood by contacting local newspaper companies or visiting nearby businesses that distribute newspapers. He may need to obtain a work permit or permission from a parent or guardian to work at his age. It's important to check local labor laws and regulations regarding employment for minors.

How old do you have to be to do a newspaper delivery round?

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The minimum age to do a newspaper delivery round varies by location, but typically ranges from 10 to 14 years old. Parents or legal guardians may need to give permission for minors to work as newspaper carriers.

Can you have a job at 10 years old and you are a boy?

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Asked by Wiki User

In many places, children under the age of 14 are not allowed to have a job due to labor laws and concerns for their safety and well-being. However, there may be opportunities for children to earn money through tasks like babysitting, pet sitting, or doing chores for neighbors or family members.

Jobs for 14 year old boys?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some potential job opportunities for 14 year old boys could include babysitting, dog walking, lawn mowing, tutoring, or assisting with household tasks for neighbors or family friends. Additionally, local businesses may hire teenagers for tasks such as stocking shelves or assisting with basic office work. Remember to check local labor laws and regulations regarding the employment of minors.

What jobs can a 13 year old boy get?

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Asked by Wiki User

Due to child labor laws, there are limited job opportunities for 13-year-olds. Some options include pet sitting, babysitting, lawn mowing, or helping with household chores for neighbors or family members. It's important to check local regulations and obtain any necessary permits before starting a job.

A job for a 12 year old that pays?

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Asked by Wiki User

Dude you might have a hard time with that because you are probly not old even old enough to drive most people need someone that can drive and your a boy and babysitting jobs are hard to get cause most parents don't trust guys but if play an instrument you can offer tutoring lessons or if you are good at working a computer and you understand them you can offer to teach seniors how to use a computer or you could try a zoo and clean up after the animals you can do yard work in the winter shovling snow or raking leaves in the fall or cutting peoples grass in the summer I have only had luck with music lessons maybe something will work for you let me know if something works out for you good luck

What are some fun ways kids can earn money?

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Asked by Computer1927

I have been playing games and did some other stuff on this free website and earned some extra cash every single month..... you can use my refferal link here:htt ps://exe. io/pkq0Nhvj (JUST REMOVE SPACES & SKIP THOSE ADS)

Where can a 15-year-old find a job?

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Asked by Wiki User

== == When You Turn 14 can work at: office, grocery store, retail store, restaurant, movie theater, baseball park, amusement park, or gasoline service station. You generally may not work in: communications or public utilities jobs, construction or repair jobs, driving a motor vehicle or helping a driver, manufacturing and mining occupations, power-driven machinery or hoisting apparatus other than typical office machines, processing occupations, public messenger jobs, transporting of persons or property, workrooms where products are manufactured, mined or processed, or warehousing and storage. Different rules apply to farms, and individual States may have stricter rules. == == * you can get a job with a working permit. you can work at various places like at chick-fil-a and dariy queen . Good luck == == * There aren't many jobs that a fifteen year old boy can get, you will have better luck trying to get a job at McDonalds or on a farm! == == * One good way to make a lot of money for a 15 year old is to consider becoming a referee for soccer. Soccer referees in my area make $15 per game and a game only lasts an hour. That can rack up to some big bucks in a single season which lasts about 8 weeks. == == * train to be a lifeguard, shop assistant, waiter * 15 yr. old can mow lawns, deliver newspapers, do odd jobs at a church..ask neighbors if they need help repairing anything. == == * Church's Chicken will hire

Work permits for 13 year old in California?

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One has to be at least twelve years of age in order to get a work permit in California. Anyone who is over twelve, and under eighteen must have work permit in order to work.

How old should you be to be a babysitter?

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Asked by Wiki User

You have to be 18 years or over if you want to look after kids that are not related. you can be a nanny or baby sitter for friends or family at an earlier stage but it is up to the people you are baby sitting for.

What are the personal characteristics of an ophthalmologist?

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Asked by Wiki User

personal characteristics of an ophthalmologist he should be fcps in related field

How old do you have to be to work and earn money in Afghanistan?

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this question has not been asnwered yet if you know the answer feel free to type it in.this question has not been answered yet if you know the answer please type it in. this question has not been answered yet if you know the answer please type it in. this question has not been answered yet if you know the answer please type it in.

Can a 15-year-old get a job in the UK?

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Asked by Wiki User

Legally you cannot be taxed and therefore employers do not want people of your age for this reason- you can however get a paper round- you may need to contact the inland revenue for information on this since you do not receive your national insurance card until you are fit to work. You can start applying and delivering papers pays ok-they're not fussy about age.

How old do you have to be to work at Kennywood Park?

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You have to be at least 16 because you have to have a driver's license.

How old do you have to be to work at farms?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no age limit...some people are even born and raised on farms.

How old do you have to be to work at officeworks?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well i dont know exactly how old you have to be to work there, but i saw a guy working there today adn he didnt look any older than 14 but he might of been 15 idk. good luck:)

Where can a 14-year-old get a job other than babysitting?

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Asked by Wiki User

A 14-year old may be able to get at job as a shelf stocker, casheir, clerk, or hendy helper at a local retail or department store. Also, jobs may be available at some local restaurants. Possibly even places like Target, Walmart,Wendy's, Mcdonalds, Burgerking, PetsMart and Sams Club. well im 14 years ld and im having a hard time finding a job for baby sitting

How much money can a 13 year old make delivering newspapers?

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Asked by Wiki User

i get paid every three weeks and i have aroute with 42 papers on it, i make anywhere between $85-$250 depending on if everyone pays theproper amount. my papers cost $6.00 and i do not have to make a making fee so i pocket all the money i earn by collecting. also if a store flyer goes out everyonce and a while, around$2-$9 dollarsgoes staright into my bank account. hope this was helpful:)

How do you make very fast money as a ten year old?

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Asked by Wiki User

I know what's up you want to earn quick money 10-20 bucks even a couple of hundred

I come to find that the best way to make money fast and easy it's from this free website you can use my referral here htt ps://exe .io /KTRJg I get a couple of hundreds every month me is well worth it

( just remove all the spaces and skip all the adds and you're good to go)

How much money should you charge on a lemonade stand?

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Asked by Wiki User

25 to 1 dollar don't make the stand to complicated or else the buyers will not support as much. take a small table, you can make one though it is VERY complicated, you can use a simple picnic table. I suggest Fisher Price, or any other picnic tables. get a poster board and put in BIG letters LEMONADE and your price should be there too. when serving the lemonade, first put the money in a safe place, then, after they finish drinking, ask them politely "How was it?" Make sure they are happy. Make a charity box if you like to support charities, or you can have a tip box. ALWAYS HAVE AN PARENT OR GUARDIAN WITH YOU! If anyone creepy or strange comes, ask the parent or guardian to serve them. Remember, there are a lot of bad people out there and you might meet them at your lemonade sale. It doesn't matter if you make 1 dollar or 100 dollars. The only thing that matters is you having fun. Set up your lemonade stand on a hot day somewhere where there are lots of people. DONT SET UP AT GROCERY STORES WITHOUT PERMISSION YOU USUALLY HAVE TO GIVE THEM PART OF YOUR PROFIT!! you can also sell other things like brownies, cookies, Popsicles (cooler needed), candy, root beer floats, and lots of other things. THE MAIN THING IS FOR YOU TO HAVE FUN!