


The landlocked Plurinational State of Bolivia is a South American neighbor of Peru, Paraguay, Chile, Brazil, and Argentina. The Bolivian city of La Paz is the world's highest capital. Contributions typically raise questions about the country's ancient Aymara and Incan imperial past; extreme geography of rain forests, mountains, highlands, and lowlands; subsistence lifestyle despite vast mineral resources; and violent politics.

734 Questions

What is the most recent volcano in Bolivia?

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Asked by Shhur1130

The most recent volcano in Bolivia that erupted is Cerro Chascon-Runtu Jarita, which had its last eruption about 5,000 years ago. This stratovolcano is located in the Andes mountain range and is part of the Andean Central Volcanic Zone. Bolivia has active volcanoes but their last known eruptions are from hundreds to thousands of years ago.

What is the approximate latitudes and longitudes of moscow russia Tokyo japan Denver Colorado and la paz Bolivia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Moscow. . . . 55.77° N / 37.61° E

Tokyo. . . . . . 35.69° N / 139.76° E

Denver. . . . . 39.77° N / 104.94° W

La Paz. . . . . 16.50° S / 68.16° W

What is the line of latitude for LaPaz Bolivia?

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La Paz, Bolivia is located at approximately 16.5 degrees South latitude.

Does Bolivia lie between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of Capricorn?

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Yes, Bolivia lies between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. It is situated entirely in the Southern Hemisphere, just south of the equator.

Does Mexico and Bolivia have mining textile and chemical industries?

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Yes, both Mexico and Bolivia have mining industries, with Mexico being one of the largest silver producers globally and Bolivia having significant reserves of tin, zinc, and lithium. Mexico also has a well-developed textile industry, with a focus on apparel and home textiles. However, Bolivia's textile industry is smaller in comparison. Both countries have chemical industries, with Mexico's being more diversified and producing a wide range of products compared to Bolivia's smaller chemical sector.

Does the Equator or the Tropic of Capricorn or the Tropic of Cancer or the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle go through Bolivia?

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Only the Tropic of Capricorn passes through Bolivia. The Equator is located further north, the Tropic of Cancer is even further north, while the Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle, and Tropic of Cancer are located far to the south.

Is Bolivia is crossed by the equator?

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No, Bolivia is not crossed by the equator. The equator passes through countries in Africa, South America, and Asia, but it does not intersect with Bolivia.

What are the important cities of Bolivia?

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Some important cities in Bolivia include La Paz (the administrative capital), Sucre (the constitutional capital), Santa Cruz de la Sierra (the economic capital), and Cochabamba (known for its food and culture). These cities play key roles in the political, economic, and cultural landscape of Bolivia.

How many people were killed in Bolivia's 1994 earthquake?

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The 1994 earthquake in Bolivia resulted in approximately 67 fatalities.

What countries land lock Bolivia?

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The countries that landlock Bolivia are Brazil, Paraguay, and Chile. Bolivia lost its access to the Pacific Ocean after the War of the Pacific in the late 19th century.

Why is Bolivia an LEDC?

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Bolivia is considered a less economically developed country (LEDC) due to factors such as poverty, inequality, limited access to quality healthcare and education, and dependence on agriculture and mining industries. These factors contribute to Bolivia's lower income levels and overall development compared to more economically advanced countries.

Is Bolivia north south east or west?

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Bolivia is located in South America, bordered by Brazil to the north and east, Paraguay and Argentina to the south, and Chile and Peru to the west.

How many tsunamis occur in Bolivia?

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Bolivia is a landlocked country and does not have direct access to the ocean. As a result, tsunamis do not occur in Bolivia. Tsunamis are typically caused by underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions along coastlines.

What are the human characteristics of Bolivia?

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Bolivia's human characteristics include a diverse population with various ethnic groups, languages, and cultures. The country's people are known for their resilience, strong sense of community, and rich traditions rooted in indigenous heritage. Additionally, Bolivians are known for their warmth and hospitality towards visitors.

What is Bolivias population?

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As of 2021, Bolivia's population is estimated to be around 11.8 million people.

How is the weather in Bolivia?

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The weather in Bolivia varies depending on the region and altitude. In general, there are two main seasons: the dry season from May to October, and the rainy season from November to April. In the lowlands, temperatures are warmer and there is more rainfall, while in the highlands it tends to be colder and drier.

Is Sucre the capital of Bolivia?

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No, Sucre is not the capital of Bolivia. The capital of Bolivia is La Paz. Sucre is the constitutional capital and seat of the judiciary branch of the Bolivian government.

What is the landforms of Bolivia?

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Bolivia's diverse landscape includes the Andes Mountains in the west, the Altiplano plateau in the central region, and the lowland Amazon Basin to the north and east. The country also features the iconic Salar de Uyuni salt flats and Lake Titicaca, the world's highest navigable lake. These varied landforms contribute to Bolivia's rich biodiversity and unique ecosystems.

Which precious metal made Bolivia the treasure chest of the Spanish Empire?

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Silver. Bolivia was known for its rich silver mines, most notably in Potosi, which played a significant role in fueling the Spanish Empire's wealth and power during the colonial era.

Is Bolivia or Paraguay larger?

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Bolivia is larger in size compared to Paraguay. Bolivia is the 5th largest country in South America, while Paraguay is the 10th largest.

How do people in Bolivia dress?

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Traditional Bolivian clothing varies depending on the region and ethnic group. Women typically wear brightly colored skirts, blouses, shawls, and bowler hats, while men wear ponchos, hats, and sometimes knickerbockers. Western-style clothing is also common in urban areas.

What lake is located both in Bolivia and Peru?

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Lake Titicaca is located in both Bolivia and Peru. It is the largest lake in South America by volume and the highest navigable lake in the world.

What is the absolute locaton of Cuba?

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The absolute location of Cuba is approximately 21.5218° N latitude and 77.7812° W longitude.

What is the unemployment rate in Bolivia?

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The unemployment rate in Bolivia is around 4% as of 2021. It has been relatively stable in recent years.