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Over time, the organisms that are successful in a determined habitat have traits that increase their chances of survival (adaptations). One of these adaptations is camouflage. When there is a mutation in the population that alters the color of the organism, the result can be negative and the organism is easier to see and gets eaten or it can be successful and helps the organism blend in and increases the chances for survival.

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Q: Why are some living things almost similar in colour to their habitat?
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Why are living things almost similar in colour to their habitat?

Over time, the organisms that are successful in a determined habitat have traits that increase their chances of survival (adaptations). One of these adaptations is camouflage. When there is a mutation in the population that alters the color of the organism, the result can be negative and the organism is easier to see and gets eaten or it can be successful and helps the organism blend in and increases the chances for survival.

How are a habitat and an ecosystem different?

A habitat and an ecosystem are different becausea habitat is the place were the species lives and an ecosystem is all the living and non-living things in an area.This is how they are different.

Is a habitat renewable?

Its not an energy or resource. it is a habitat of living things. the place where the living things live is called its habitat.

What is the definition of all living organism in a habitat?

A biome is all living organism in a habitat.

What are living parts of a habitat are called?

The living part of a habitat is called a biotic.In saying that the non-living thing is called the abiotic.

The living organisms in a habitat is called?

Living factors in the environment is called biotic factors.

What other living things live in a pythons habitat?

what other living things live in a pythons habitat

A living thing's place to live in an ecosystem?

it is habitat

The living parts of a habitat?

the living parts or once were living in a habitat are called biotic factors and the nonliving parts are called abiotic factors

Define a natural habitat?

Natural Habitat ,well lets look at the word habitat ..habitat means a place where a living thing lives its shelter or home a natural habitat is where a living thing normally lives example fish its natural habitat will be the sea .

What is a role of a living in its habitat?

The role of a living thing in its habitat is known as the niche. This is mainly to facilitate interaction with other living things which forms the ecosystem.

What does a habitat have?

the habitat can provide enough food and water for the organism living on it