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ONPG is for the detection of delayed lactose fermentation.

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In the ONPG test, organisms may be positive due to the presence of beta-galactosidase enzyme, which cleaves ONPG and produces a yellow color. However, in the lactose fermentation test, some organisms may lack other necessary enzymes or transport systems to fully metabolize lactose, resulting in a negative result despite having beta-galactosidase.

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Q: Why are some organisms positive in the ONPG Test but negative when tested for the ability to metabolize lactose?
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What is environmental stimulation?

the ability to be subconsciously stimulated by your surroundings whether positive or negative.

Alloreactivity is a positive selection step or negative selection step?

Neither. Alloreactivity has to do with a lymphocytes reacting to a foreign antigen. Positive and negative selection are processes of central tolerance which is to say that they deal with a T cell's ability to bind self-antigen.

How people define life?

Life is often defined as the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects, characterized by growth, reproduction, metabolism, homeostasis, and response to stimuli. It is also seen as the existence of an individual human being or animal. Philosophically, life is sometimes defined as the presence of consciousness or the ability to experience and interact with the world.

Is emb a defined medium?

EMB is an undefined selective/differential medium. It contains aniline dyes (methylene blue and eosin), which inhibit the growth of Gram-positive bacteria selecting for Gram-negative bacteria. EMB also contains lactose which makes the media differential based on an organisms ability to ferment lactose.

Why most of the gram positive bacteria cannot grow on MacConkey Agar?

Most gram positive bacteria cannot grow on MacConkey Agar because the agar contains crystal violet and bile salts that inhibit the growth of gram positive organisms. Additionally, the agar is designed to selectively isolate and differentiate gram negative bacteria based on their ability to ferment lactose, producing pink colonies.

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The effects of forces are materials can be either positive or negative. Positive effects include the ability to stop due to friction.

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No, it's the opposite.

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Eosin and methylene blue dyes present in EMB (Eosin Methylene Blue) agar inhibit the growth of gram-positive organisms by interfering with their ability to take up nutrients and causing damage to their cell walls. This makes the medium selective for gram-negative bacteria, allowing them to grow while inhibiting the growth of gram-positive bacteria.

Are unicellular organisms alive or dead?

Unicellular organisms are alive. They are considered living entities because they exhibit the essential characteristics of life, such as the ability to reproduce, respond to stimuli, and metabolize nutrients for energy.

Can o negative be compatible with o positive blood for contraception?

Blood types have absolutely no impact on the ability to conceive.

Living organisms on Earth share many common characteristics?

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Explain your ability to speak clearly and persuasively in positive or negative situations?

Okay! I shall! Gosh, this is hard.... never mind!

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Stress,alcohlo and drugs, not and nutrition

What is coping with emotions?

The ability to cope-up or withstand the emotional change, whether positive or negative, is known as coping with emotions.