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Some people are more inclined towards artistic endeavors due to genetic predispositions, upbringing, exposure to art, or personal interests. Creative expression may come more naturally to them, leading to a greater affinity for artistic pursuits.

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Q: Why are some people artistic?
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How would you use artistic in a sentence?

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Is left handed people more artistic?

Well, I believe that left handed people are more artistic because, you use your right brain more, so in tat case, lefties are more... you know... artistic. I am left handed, but I do know artistic righties.

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This is really a matter of personal opinion. You should select a check that interests you and not what other people suggest. There is actually a company named "Artistic Checks" that would be a great place to start.

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The idiot who answered "lick chong", go get a life you loser. People really need actual answers you jerk face.

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Dancing in general is artistic. Some examples of dancing include ballroom, ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and folk. A dancer expresses themselves through the art of dance.

What does it mean when a person is referred to as artistic?

A person is artistic when he can make good art, wich includes music that people like and is original and unique. All with all it is hard to say if a person is artistic or not.

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People collect model trains for a variety of reasons. Some individuals are simply collectors, some people enjoy the artistic aspect of it, some people have children and enjoy playing with them, some enjoy watching them run and others like the constant build and re-build of their set.

Why is it important for everyone to study even though people have different levels of artistic talent?

Even though people have different levels of artistic talent, everyone's' abilities can be improved by study.

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more artistic, most artistic

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For what artistic achievements are the Yoruba and the people of benin known?

it is apiece ofart