

Why are some people mean to overweight people?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

Best Answer

People are mean to other groups of people because of their own lack of self esteem. To deride or belittle others gives them a sense of superiority, even if it's a false one.

Answer 2:

While I do agree and respect the above answer, I personally theorize this isn't always the reason, or all of the reason.

I believe sometimes it can be an anger, built up against many people, or no one in specific (just a bad string of luck or events). Overweight people can be seen as easy targets to take this anger out on. They can make fun of them for something they cannot deny, and since over-weight people are generally less fit, they are less of a threat if the issue were to become psychical. Overweight people can also be less popular often, and less popular people may not have the same support someone more popular would.

Some peoples personal beliefs are biased and stereotypical, against lazy people, falsely labeling them all as lazy or as a a threat to society/part of a growing problem (Obesity rates are higher than ever, and is becoming a problem, none the less it is stereotypical and not based on an individual).

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