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Sprouts are a good source of Vitamins A and C, Folic Acid, Fibre and Potassium. Vitamin A: Plays in important role in vision, bone growth and reproduction. It also helps to regulate the immune system which helps to prevent and fight-off infections. Vitamin C: An effective antitoxidant, great for colds and flu. Folic Acid: Important for the develpment of a healthy baby. Most doctors will recommend that supplements are taken during and before pregnancy. Fibre: Essential for healthy bowel function, makes passing waste easier and more comfortable. Potasium:assists in muscle contraction and in maintaining fluid balance in body cells. Potassium is also important for releasing energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates One serving of sprouts contains about 32 calories so they're great if you're watching your weight. One last thing, if you really can't stand eating them, try them raw, they taste much nicer and will retain more of their goodness.

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16y ago
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9y ago

Sprouts are nutritious. So many vitamins are generated in sprouts. That is the most economical way to get vitamins from inexpensive cereals and pulses.

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Blueberries,Brussel sprouts,broccoli,and those are probably the most nutritious foods in the world.

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Blueberries,Brussel sprouts,broccoli,and those are probably the most nutritious foods in the world.

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Many of the complex compounds stored in the seed are broken down into simpler compounds during hydration and sprouting of the seeds. Also changes in protein quality and fibre content during sprouting all add up to make the sprout more nutritious than the seed alone.

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What is brussels sprouts in tagalog?

Brussels sprouts in Tagalog is "repolyo."

How much protein is in a cup of Brussels sprouts?

It obviously depends on the size of the sprouts.

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