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The stars are in fact brighter than the moon as many distant stars produce their own light (just like our sun) and the moon only reflects sunlight. However, since many of these stars are so far away and the moon is relatively close to the Earth the Full moon appears to be brighter.

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Q: Why are stars not as bright as the moon?
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Why do stars and moons both look bright?

The moon is bright from the sunlight shining on it, and stars are bright due to the burning of hydrogen and other gases at very high temperatures.

Can you describe the moons atmosphere?

The moon has none so it's very clear, but on the bright side of the moon the sun is very bright and you have a hard time seeing stars.

What makes the moon look bright in the sky?

The moon looks bright due to its size because of its closeness to Earth in comparison to very distant stars and planets combined with reflected sunlight.

Why On a full moon day you do not see many stars why?

because it's reflection is way too bright for the other stars to be visible.

What does it mean when the full moon is on top of the star and no other stars around?

It means that it is not dark enough to see other stars that are less bright.

Why does moon and stars come out at night?

StarsBecause the stars are bright like the sun so we can only see the sun in the day though they are still there. MoonBecause the moon is around at the other side of the earth when it is day.

What does it mean when a relationship is uncertain and the couple saw the bright moon and a single shining star together two nights in a row?

Probably you saw the moon next to a planet, or another bright star. There are some bright stars - like Antares - which are near the Ecliptic.

Why stars are not as bright as the moon?

In terms of actual brightness the stars are much brighter than the moon and some are even brighter than the sun. They only appear dim because they are much farther away than either the sun or the moon.

Why does the moon appears bright at night?

The moon like all of us, likes to look and feel good. That's why he polishes himself at night so he can look bright and make some dates with hot stars in the universe.

Why is the moon sky dark and filled with stars day and night?

The blueness of the earth's sky is due to the sunlight passing through the atmosphere. There is no atmosphere on the moon, so the sky appears black. The sky is not filled with stars during the day on the moon, with the sun in the sky it is far too bright to see the stars.