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The extremeties of a statue are very fragile. Any little bump can knock off the hands and break them. And some of these old statues are 2000 years old, a lot of time to hope they don't get bumped too hard.

Hands and arms go early, and then the head. Legs, if still attached to a solid foundation last longer.

LIES & DECEIT! You guys probably wont approve this answer because its TRUTH but the caucasian/white invaders/conquerors and forces of certain organizations didnt want the truth to eb known that Egyptians were Black good ole slave in the cotton field black. There is no way that they had pointy noses and admitting that they were black would be admitting that current day Blacks descended were first most technolically/mathematically and socially advanced and rich society and would run afoul to the perception of lowlings that they have been given today.

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Q: Why are statue hands broken off?
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I recall the story of a statue in Europe, damaged in the Second World War. Only partly repaired. When the townspeople asked "Where are His hands, the restorers replied "We are." Pegashus wrote:Several years ago I read the story and did some research on it. I'd heard a couple of apocryphal versions: one about a church in England bombed during World War II, the other about the Mainzer Dom (cathedral) in Germany. But then research and a phone call verified that the story originated at Christ the King Catholic Church in San Diego, California. At that time, the story was told on their website as well, but that site has since been closed. The statue did exist outside the church, but the hands were broken off by vandals around 1980, not by bombing. Instead of repairing the hands, the church decided to put up a plaque at the base that states, "I have no hands but yours." This is a reference to a poem by St. Teresa of Avila that begins: "Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours." The statue is still there, without hands. You can find still find photographs of the statue on the Web.

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A Play that the quarterback pretends to throw the ball but has the ball behind his back and while his hand is in the air, he hands the ball off to a runningback, looking like the Statue of Libery Youtube Boise State vs. Oklahoma final play

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No. The thing that you see there is a broken chain.

Where is the broken statue on animal jam?

sarepia forest in the middle :3