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Q: Why are sustainable projects more successful?
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What is ALJ contribution towards sustainable energy?

It has many ongoing projects in this field in connection with solar, wind, hydro and other forms of sustainable energy.

Should all farmers be required to practice sustainable agriculture?

Required, no. Encouraged, educated, informed of the benefits, etc., then yes. More regulation is about as successful and useful as Prohibition was in the 1920's.

Why is sustainable development is important for economical development?

Many of these changes can be summarized in the phrase "sustainable development." The case of sustainable development is appearing more and more frequently in discussions of community economic development.

How can be London more sustainable?

They are sustainable by having plenty of public transport and are encouraging people to use them.

What are store doing to be more sustainable?


Is Sustainable living and Eco Living same?

Sustainable living and Eco living are almost the same. Eco living is more about the environment whereas Sustainable living is more about living off the grid and producing your own food, water, energy and creating wealth from your home. Sustainable living is more about independence and taking responsibility for the ecosystem.

What does sustainable meen?

Sustainability is the potential for something to continue surviving is a healthy or successful way over a long period of time.

What can people do to make the world more sustainable?

Some things people can do to make the world more sustainable is to ride a bike, not drive, use the stairs more often, and recycle.

What type of influence are correlated with successful projects?

Usually in order for people to preform well, some sort of encouragement is needed in order for people to be successful. Positive influence is correlated with successful projects.

Are space projects successefull?

yes they are successful.

What are the disadvantage of sustainable agriculture?

A disadvantage of sustainable agriculture is that the prices will be higher and there will be less product. Another disadvantage is the environment can be hurt in the long run by the modern farming methods of creating more product at a cheaper cost.