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Barrels are somehow involved.

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Q: Why are tectonic and volcanic earthquake more destructive than earthquakes caused by landslides?
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Can landslides be caused by plates in the earth moving?

Indirectly. The movement of tectonic plates is the cause of the majority of earthquakes. Earthquakes can cause landslides.

What cause earthquakes tsunamis and landslides?

Shifting of Tectonic Plates.

Where is earthquakes most likely to occur?

earthquakes are most likely to occur on the rim of tectonic plates

What is tectonic earthquake means?

It is the unsual movement of tectonic plates which causes tectonic earthquakes.

Why Japan have earthquake?

Tectonic plates shift and cause earthquakes.

Describe the two kinds of earthquake?

tectonic earthquakes- shifting and moving of crustal platesvolcanic earthquakes-earthquake caused by a volcanic activity/eruption

What r the causes of earthquake?

Shifting of tectonic plates cause earthquakes.

How does earthquake occur?

Earthquakes are caused when pressure builds up as two tectonic plates move together. As the pressure is released, an earthquake is produced.

What are the two kids of earthquakes?

There are three forms of earthquakes which are the convergent boundary, divergent boundary, and the transform fault. The earthquake waves may be in P-waves (primary) and in S-waves (secondary).

When do volcanic earthquakes occur?

An earthquake can be caused in two different ways, there is a volcanic earthquake and a tectonic earthquake. Tectonics earthquakes are much more common than volcanic earthquakes. Volcanic earthquakes are when magma, or molten rock, moves underground. This can cause earthquake directly in what is called a harmonic tremor, or indirectly by breaking and shifting rock. A tectonic earthquake is when stress built up by the movement of Earth's tectonic plates is released in the form of shaking.

Why do earthquakes mostly happen along tectonic plates boundaries?

Becuase when the tectonic plates shift or move, it creates an earthquake. so the closer to the tectonic plates, the more strong the earthquake.

What do vibrations from tectonic plate movement cause?

They chiefly cause earthquakes, and could also result to landslides and tsunamis.