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The documents that Benjamin Franklin signed - the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Alliance with France, the Treaty of Paris, and the Unites States Constitution - freed the United States from Britain and formed the basis of our nation as an independent country.

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the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Paris 1783, and the United States Constitution.

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Q: Why are the 3 documents that Benjamin Franklin signed so important?
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What was Benjamin Franklin's biggest achievement?

He signed all four major documents that formed the United States.

What did Benjamin Franklin sign?

Benjamin Franklin signed the Decloration of Independence.

What 3 documents did Benjamin Franklin sign?

Benjamin (BEN) Franklin signed 4 important documents for the US. First, he signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. He then signed the Treaty of Alliance with France in 1778. He then signed the Treaty of Paris in 1783. And lastly, he signed the US Constitution in 1787. Thankyou for reading, I hope this helped.

How did Benjamin Franklin Chang history?

he signed the Declaration of Independence

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Benjamin Franklin

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He signed the Declaration of Independence.

Who signed The Declaration of Independence and attended the Philadelphia Convention?

Benjamin Franklin

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benjamin franklin

Why is Benjamin Franklin so important with the Constitution?

He outlined the system of governemnt as described in Article I. He was a part of the Constitutional Convention and signed the document.

Who were the 3 colonists that signed the Treaty of Paris?

John Adams, John Jay and Benjamin Franklin

What was Benjamin Franklin's age at signing declaration?

he was 70 Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 the declaration was signed in July 4, 1776

How many men originally signed the constitution?

39 Benjamin Franklin was 81 when he signed the u.s. constitution.