

Why are the Democrats blue?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Why are the Democrats blue?
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Is a Democrat blue or red?

Democrats are blue.

What color symbolizes Democrats?

Democratic is Blue and Republican's is red.

The division between red and blue states in the US refers to?

Republicans and Democrats.

What color is represented by the Democratic Party of the USA?

Democrats - Blue Republicans - Red

Who did the electoral votes go to in Oklahoma?

To John McCain. Oklahoma does have more registered Democrats, but it is a very Conservative or Blue Dog Democrats who cross over on many liberal issues.

How do Moderate Democrats and Moderate Republicans differ?

Liberal repudlicans are more like blue dog democrats. Moderate repudlican and conservative republicans believe in less government and less taxes.

Why does the media color code US maps red and blue?

The media typically color maps red and blue to reflect the different US political parties. Blue is for the Democrats and red for Republicans.

What doesn't a Democrat believe in?

Unlike Republicans, Democrats are all over the map on this one. Some Democrats look more like moderate Republicans; these are called Blue Dogs. Many Democrats don't believe we should have invaded Iraq. A lot of Democrats don't believe we should be building the New Berlin Wall along the Mexican border.

On Electoral College maps what do red and blue states indicate?

Red states are those won by McCain (Republican). Blue states were won by Obama (Democrat)

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The Democrats hold a majority in the Senate.

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What coulor are the conservatives?

they do not have a color; republicans, independents, and even democrats can all be conservative