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Jews are the only nation who agreed to accept god's Torah, even before hearing the laws. god went to the other nations first, but the other nations wanted to kill and steal and do other bad things that the Torah forbids, so they did not want to accept the Torah

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Q: Why are the Jews the chossen ones?
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Hitler treated German Jews as badly as foreign ones. He was murderous.

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yes, basically the same ones as Christians.

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Mainly Jews, homosexuals, POWs , Romas, but also, citizens of other countries like USSR and Poland.

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The "chief priests" of the Jews were the ones who complained(John 19:19-22)

How do you describe the German soldiers?

Some were followers of Hitler and some were not. The ones that were not, usually were the ones that were not to harsh and did not kill the Jews every chance they got. In contrast to the ones who did follow Hitler were cruel to the Jews and would kill them for no reason. A good book to read about this is called "All but My Life".