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G1 is the phase when genetic materials, for instance, DNA, are organized and "stretched out as a line." Only when this is achieved, the body cell is able to create a copy of this organized DNA.

To keep it simple,

G1 - materials stretch up (preparation) [one copy of genetic material present]

S (Synthesis) - copying . . . (YO) [two copies of genetic material present]

G2 - materials coil up into chromosomes [two copies of genetic material present]

So when G1 is not well-achieved, or to say, the materials are not well-prepared to copy, there are chances of mal-copying of DNA, which probably cause cancer and cell malfunctions, also chances of bringing confusion to body cells, into error copies creation. DNAs stretch up so it is easy to copy, and it is more apparent that body cell can tell there is one exact correct copy is made rather than have to check every little tiny portion that is not even visible throughout its cytoplasm

I hope this helped



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