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In the novel by Sachar "Holes" and the 2003 movie of the same name, the boys at camp are told they dig holes every day in order to 'build character." However, the camp warden's real motive is to find legendary buried treasure.

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Q: Why are the boys digging holes every day at the camp?
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Related questions

What activities do they do at Camp Green Lake?

Digging holes.

Holes why are they digging?

In the book "Holes" By Louis Sacher, they are digging holes at Camp Green Lake, the Juvinile Correction camp, because the camp warden believes it helps them gain character but later in the story you find out the real truth behind it.

Why is the book called holes?

The book is called Holes because boys from Camp Green Lake have to dig holes.

Holes what complication arise as the character tries to solve the conflict?

As Stanley tries to dig holes at Camp Green Lake to build character, he faces physical exhaustion, the challenge of fitting in with the other boys, and the mystery of why they are digging holes. Additionally, he must navigate the oppressive authority of the camp counselors and the complexities of the relationships between the boys.

What was buried in the lake on the book Holes by Louis Sachar?

In the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar, the boys at Camp Green Lake are forced to dig holes in search of a buried treasure. The boys are led to believe they are searching for a hidden treasure, but in reality, they are digging to build character and help with a crime committed many years ago by one of the camp counselors.

What is the worst thing that can happen at camp green lake?

the worst thing is digging holes

What is the mail problem in the book Holes by Louis Sachar?

In the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar, the main problem is that Stanley Yelnats has been wrongly accused of stealing a pair of shoes that were donated to charity. As a result, he is sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention center where boys are forced to dig holes in the desert under the hot sun as a form of punishment. The boys at the camp soon realize that there is a deeper mystery surrounding the purpose of digging holes and the history of Camp Green Lake.

What do you think the title HOLES means and what is the another reason other than the holes that the boys in Camp Green Lake dig?

the title is holes because that's what the boys in camp green lake do everyday, and anoher reason the boys dig holes is because there is a treasure hidden under the dried lake (the treasure is buried by the outlaw kissin kate barlow , she robbed every bank from Texas to Houston)

What is the rising action to holes?

The rising action in the book "Holes" includes Stanley Yelnats's wrongful conviction, his arrival at Camp Green Lake, his interactions with the other campers, and his digging of holes day after day. These events build tension and lead to the unfolding of the mystery surrounding the cursed history of the Yelnats family and the significance of digging holes at the camp.


In the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar, Squid ended up at Camp Green Lake after being wrongfully accused of stealing a pair of shoes. He was sentenced to digging holes as punishment at the camp.

What is the meaning of the hot fudge sundae in the book Holes?

In the book "Holes" by Louis Sachar, the hot fudge sundae represents a reward or symbol of hope for the characters. It is a special treat that symbolizes the boys' hard work being recognized and rewarded by the Warden. The hot fudge sundae serves as a motivator for the boys as they endure the challenges of digging holes at Camp Green Lake.

Question about the book Holes by Louis Sachar What do you think the boys at Camp Green Lake will or should do now that they no longer have to dig holes to search for the treasure?

It is mentioned in the epilogue that the Camp ended up being turned into a Girl Scout camp. As for the boys themselves, the sequel Small Stepsfollows some of them in their futures after they leave Camp Green Lake.