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Q: Why are the central cortex and central core important?
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How could you get the Pre-Central Cortex Repaired?

It is not easy in order to get your pre-central cortex repaired. In order to get your pre-central cortex repaired, you will have to have brain surgery which can be fatal.

The motor cortex sits just posterior of the central fissure in the frontal lobes whereas the somatosensory cortex sits next to the central fissure in the parietal lobes of the cerebral cortex?

Wrong. The motor cortex is the prominent gyrus that is ancterior to the central sulcus. The Somatosensory cortex is the prominent gyrus that is posterior to the central sulcus.

What are root systems that have one main root and can sometimes stored food called?

Its known as the cortex

What sulcus separates the primary motor cortex fron the primary sensory cortex?

The central sulcus is a fold in the cerebral cortex of brains in vertebrates. Also called the central fissure, it was originally called the fissure of Rolando or the Rolandic fissure, after Luigi Rolando.The central sulcus is a prominent landmark of the brain, separating the parietal lobe from the frontal lobe and the primary motor cortex from the primary somatosensory cortex.

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What are the functions of motor cortex?

Pre central gyrus has got the motor cortex. Through this area you get the initiation of final motor pathway.

How can the word core be used in a sentence?

Core as a noun means the tough central part of various fruits, containing the seeds; the central or most important part of something; or the part of something that is central to its existence or character.Core as a verb means to remove the tough central part, the part with the seeds.Example sentences:As a noun: The core of the character that I'm playing is her dependency.As a verb: Be sure to core the apples before you put them in the blender.

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What is the central core?

The central core has 5 regions which helps to regulate the basic life processes.

What is the central core of the earth called?

The inner core.