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Because Jupiter is mainly hydrogen.

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Q: Why are the components of jovian atmosphere so different from those of terrestrial planets?
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Why are the components of Jovian atmospheres so different from those of terrestrial planets?

They are different because terrestrial planets is any of Earth like planets including: Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Earth. However jovian planets are the Jupiter like planets including: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

What are the two main reason why Jovian planets have much thicker atmoshperes than the Terrestrial planets?

While terrestrial planets are made of rock and have gases in the atmosphere, jovian planets are made almost entirly of gases. If an atmosphere is made of gases in a planet, then the atmosphere of the planets with more gases will be thicker.

Do the terrestrial planets have much smaller masses than the Jovian planets?

The cores of jovian planets are very similar to terrestrial ones. Jovian planets are simply a more evolved form of terrestrial planet contrary to popular perception. Jovian planets often have a lot of hydrogen, helium, methane, and/or volatile ices to make up its atmosphere to the point where oceans of these components cover the terrestrial core and billow the atmosphere to large proportions. Terrestrial planets absorbed less of these components from the leftover solar nebula leaving only the rocky surface and maybe some gas of an atmosphere.

What planet has the thinner atmosphere of the terrestrial planets?

The thinnest atmosphere belongs to planet Mercury . . . it may have no atmosphere, at all.

Why did free hydrogen in terrestrial planets atmosphere escape?

cause it felt like it

Why do Jovian planets have a thicker atmosphere than the terrestrial planets?

Jovian planets do not have a solid surface, therefore their atmospheres are thick all the say to where their surface would be. Their atmospheres have more gasses than those surrounding terrestrial planets.

How are terrestrial planets different from the Jovian planets?

Terrestrial planets have terra firma, a.k.a. hard ground. The gas giants are giant balls of gas.

What is the difference between terrestial planets and gas planets?

The terrestrial planets are small in size and mass, they are rocky, solid and dense, all four terrestrial planets have 3 moons between them. They are warm and close to the sun. Terrestrial planets USUALLY have thin atmosphere. The Gas Giants are huge in size, have rings made from dust, debris, ice, rock. They very cold (not close to the sun at all) and light (made from gas.) They have several moons between them (167, I think) and lastly Gas Giants usually have thick and deep atmosphere.

An outer layer of gas on a terrestrial?

This is the planets atmosphere, it can then be broken down into further sections.

Do the terrestrial planets have atmosphere?

Yes. all the terrestrial planets have atmospheres. however, in the same area that there are 10 Billion Billion Atoms in earth's atmosphere, (about 1 cubic in) there are about 10 million atoms in mercury's. maercury has almost no atmosphere, and we don't even know what it is, but both mars and Venus's atmospheres are 95 % CO2, but venus's atmosphere is thick, even thicker than earth's, but mars's is thinner than earths. all the terrestrial planets have some kind of atmosphere.

Why are the terrestrial planets different from the sun?

The sun is a star, not a planet. the terrestrial planets are also made of either rock, ice, or gas.