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Because most volcanoes occur along 'fault lines' in the Earth's crust. It's the movement of these same fault lines that cause Earthquakes.

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Q: Why are the earthquakes and volcanic belts roughly the same?
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Are all earthquakes the same?

No. Earthquakes differ in cause (strike-slip, megathrust, volcanic, etc.) and in intensity.

How are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions the same?

they are the same because they all cause damage to the earth

What are two events that can occur at the same time?

volcanic eruptions and earthquakes

Why do earthquakes and volcanic eruptions frequently occur in the same area?

because a volcanic eruption happens after an earthquake

Can there be an earthquake and tsunami in the same place?

Actually, tsunamis are caused by earthquakes, underwater explosions, and volcanic eruptions.

Explanation of phenomena experienced by pre-hispanic era such as volcanic eruptions and earthquakes?

The phenomena would be the same historically as it is today

How are volcanoes and earthquakes the same?

Earthquakes and volcanoes can both make the ground shake. Both of these natural disasters also cause an extreme amount of damage. A volcano is different from an earthquake in the fact that they produce lava.

Do earthquakes and volcanoes always occur in the same area?

Waves from the Earthquake have been ringing the planet like bell, causing stress in all sections of the planet", Martin said. "Imagine a calm magma chamber that just needs one push, even if a few feet. This would be enough to cause instability in the chambers, causing volcanic eruptions in various locations. These three eruptions will not be the only mountains to go and other quakes worldwide will follow as the worldwide faults get disturbed.

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Workout belts and weight training belts are sometimes different but the two are actually pretty much the same thing.

Why both earthquakes and volcanoes occur in some fold mountain areas?

Mountains and earthquakes occur in the same fold mountain areas because of the tectonic plates coming together, moving apart, and sliding one atop another. This causes areas to rise and form mountains.

Can volcanoes cause earthquakes?

Yes, volcano eruptions can cause earthquakes; they can also be caused by earthquakes or occur at the same time.Yes. Earthquakes are common around active volcanoes. They are usually triggered by the movement of magma beneath the earth and the fracturing of rock that results. However, volcanic earthquakes are not very large and generally do not cause much damage directly.

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