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Q: Why are the four humours important to medicine?
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Describe the 4 humors and their relationship to personality?

The four humours are the basis of ancient medicine. Essentially, according to the four humours model, general health is held to be reliant on the balance of four major body fluids: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. The concept arose in Ancient Greece, but persisted into the 19th century. Though the idea of the four humours and their effect on general health and temperament has been discarded in the field of medicine, many modern theories of psychology are based upon the four personality types associated with the four humours.

Why Hippocrates important?

He created the Hippocratic oath which people still stick by.he made the four humours popular. He wrote 60 books of medicine. He observed his patients. He created natural treatments

What was the relationship between humors an illnesses?

Medieval medicine believed that health was determined by four humours - elements or fluids of the human body; blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. A healthy functioning human had a balance of those four humours. An imbalance of the humours would create various physical and/or mental illnesses. These were "cured" by practices that tried to rectify the imbalance.

Why was hippocrate important?

He created the Hippocratic oath which people still stick by.he made the four humours popular. He wrote 60 books of medicine. He observed his patients. He created natural treatments

How did Aristotle link to the theory of the four humours?

Aristotle came up with the theory of the four elements in the world needing to be in balance. Hippocrates based his theory of Four humours in a sinilar vein, linking illness to the four seasons.

What was Hippocrates short term significance?

the creation of the four humours which was the basis of all medicine and key to medieval medicine. this caused doctors to start to think about how disease could be caused by natural causes rather than the gods or superstition.

What have Galen learned from doctors such as Hippocrates?

Galen learned from doctors such as Hippocrates about the four humors.

In Elizabethan times the body was believed to contain fluids called the Humours?


What are the four humours and their relationship to personality?

4 humours about a relationship:- 1- The fact they go out with you 2- The fact they mean it 3- The fact that they love you 4- Just all of the above^^^

When was Humours of an Election created?

Humours of an Election was created in 1754.

What did Hippocrates do to try and cure the 4 humours?

This is the main example of one of Hippocrates cures. In the summer when people became hot and red, it was thought they had too much blood in their system. To balance their humours again they would use bloodletting. Bloodletting is when you purposely cut your self so that you bleed. Hippocrates believed that if you were ill one of your four humours were out of balance. He believed the body was made up of four humours, blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile; although no one knows what black bile was. If you came to him ill, they would try and balance your four humours. In the different seasons he noticed different symptom's, for example in summer you would be red and hot, therefore he thought your blood was out of balance. He would either increase, or decrease your amount of blood. If he believed you had too much blood he would use something called bloodletting, this would get rid of some of your blood, and re balance your four humours.

What was Hildegard Of Bingen's contribution to medicine and science?

Saint Hildegard's scientific views were derived from the ancient Greek cosmology of the four elements (fire, air, water, and earth) and their qualities of heat, dryness, moisture, and cold, as well as the corresponding four humours in the body - choler (yellow bile), blood, phlegm, and melancholy (black bile). She proffered that the human constitution was based on a preponderance of one or two of the humours, which are words still used to describe personalities: melancholy, sanguine, choleric and phlegmatic.