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Because God commands them (Numbers, end of ch.15).

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Q: Why are the fringes on Jewish garments important to their faith?
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Why do they feel that celebrating the Jewish faith is important?

Anything in the Torah is important. It is Jewish culture and history and God's word (Exodus 24:12).

Why is the syngogues important today?

Synagogues are place of worship and community for people of the Jewish faith.

Why was Leah important to founding the Catholic faith?

None that I am aware of. Leah, along with Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel were co-founders of Israel, and the Jewish faith.

What country is the homeland for people of jewish faith?

The homeland of Jewish Faith is Israel.

What does the Jewish faith focus on for spiritual guidance?

The Jewish faith focuses on God for spiritual guidance and the Torah that He provided for the Jewish people.

What is the meaning of tallit?

A tallit is a Jewish prayer shawl that is worn during prayer services, particularly by men. It is traditionally white with fringes at the corners called tzitzit, and serves as a symbol of faith and devotion to God.

Is the Jewish God true?

To people of the Jewish faith, certainly. This is a question of faith and naturally those who have faith in God as described by Jewish teachings will claim Him to be True. Those who do not have faith in this God or have faith in a different god or gods will claim Him to be False. Only you can decide which is true.

What is the faith of Jesus before Christianity?

The faith of Jesus Christ was Jewish. Everyone in Israel back then were all Jewish.

If the leader of an indivisible Catholic church is a Priest what is the leader of the Jewish Faith called?

The leader of the Jewish faith is called Rabbi.

How does the star of david support Jewish faith?

The Star of David does not support the Jewish faith. It is only a symbol of national pride.

Is Jill Biden raised in the Jewish faith?

No, Jill Biden was not raised Jewish. She was raised Catholic and continues to practice that faith.

What do Jewish people believe in that is the same in boutitham faith?

There is no such faith as "Boutitham"