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they are hydrophilic

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Q: Why are the head groups of the phospholipids found on the exterior and the cytoplasmic side of the membrane?
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What two groups of organelles in the story that are quarreling with one another?

prokaryotic and eukaryotic

What is a double layer of phospholipids?

A cell's membrane (plasma membrane) is made of a phospholipid bilayer where the hydrophillic phosphate groups form the two outer sides of the bilayer and the hydrophobic fatty acid chains are the interior.

Why do phospholipids form double layers?

Phospholipids are composed of a polar head group and a hydrophobic tail. These phospholipids line up so that the head groups and tail groups are side by side to form a single layer due to the interactions between the head groups and the tail groups. Two of these layers line up with the hydrophobic tail groups facing each other to prevent the hydrophobic groups away from the polar head groups of other phospholipids and from the water in the surrounding environment.

Why do phospholipids form a layer?

Phospholipids are composed of a polar head group and a hydrophobic tail. These phospholipids line up so that the head groups and tail groups are side by side to form a single layer due to the interactions between the head groups and the tail groups. Two of these layers line up with the hydrophobic tail groups facing each other to prevent the hydrophobic groups away from the polar head groups of other phospholipids and from the water in the surrounding environment.

What are the 3 groups of complex lipids?

phospholipids, glycero phosphilipids, and sphingophospholipids

What is the phospholipids in the cell membrane composed of?

A phosphate group into fatty acid chains

Molecules that resemble fats but contain phosphate functional groups are called?


Are the phosphate groups on the interior or exterior of the DNA molecule?

On the exterior linking the sugar backbones together.

When mixed with water phospholipids spontaneously form membranes. what properties of phospholipids cause this to happen?

Hydrophilic phosphate groups that are attracted to water and hydrophobic fatty acid tails that avoid water.

Why do phospholipids form bilayer in water?

Phospholipids are formed of two types of parts, a hydrophilic part that is a attracted to and likes water, and a hydrophobic part that is repelled by water. The Phospholipid forms the bilayer to keep the hydrophobic part from coming in contact with the water and puts the hydrophobic part on the inside of the two layers of the hydrophilic part.

What are four groups of lipids?

I was searching for the same thing and found this fairly useful web page: Its not very detailed, but it gives you the outlines really quick.

What helps form cell membrane?

Fats are known as lipids in biology. Cell membranes consists of a phospholipid bilayer, which are 2 layers of phospholipids. A phospholipid is a phosphate group attached to a glycerol, which is attached to 2 fatty acid tails. At the biochemical level, fat is simply a long chain of carbons with hydrogens attached. To understand the organic structure, visualize a centipede. The body is the carbon chain and the hydrogens are the legs. For a carbon chain to be a fatty acid, oxygen and hydroxide (OH) usually bond to the end of the chain. The phospholipid bilayer is important in maintaining cell structure because cells are surrounded by water, and water is attracted to the phosphate groups, but want to stay away from the fatty acids (water and oil, or fat, do not mix!). Because of this interaction, the fatty acid tails face each other in the middle of a membrane layer while the phosphate groups are on the surfaces of the membrane.