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Because in water hydrogen bonding is not permanent due to random motion where as in ice it is permanent also in ice also lower

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Q: Why are the hydrogen bonds in liquid water are less stable than in ice?
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How does Hydrogen Bonding affect the density of ice?

Water is less dense as a solid than as a liquid. This unusual property of water is due to hydrogen bonds. As water freezes, each molecule forms stable hydrogen bonds with its neighbors, holding them at "arm's length" and creating a three dimensional crystal. In Ice Hydrogen bonds are stable In liquid water hydrogen bonds constantly break and reform.

What is between the molecules of liquid water?

Water molecules are linked by hydrogen bonds.

Why is the boiling point of water greater than hydrogen sulfide?

because in water between hydrogen and oxygen hydrogen bonds are more stable but it is not in dihydrogensulphide .

What does breaking hydrogen bonds do?

Breaking hydrogen bonds allows the water molecules to escape from the liquid by vaporization, either by boiling or by evaporation.

How does water change from solid ice to liquid?

Melting. During melting, the hydrogen bonds between water molecules are broken thus causing the state to change from the solid to the liquid state where there are LESS (and not no) hydrogen bonds.

What types of bonds will break when frozen water is heated and becomes liquid?

Of course. The reason for water's solid structure when frozen is due only to hydrogen bonds, which form a type of crystal lattice structure. When heat is applied, these bonds break, and water becomes liquid once again. then you crap yourself.

What is primarily responsible for holding water molecules together in the liquid state?

Hydrogen bonds caused by the polar properties of a water molecule.

Hydrogen bonds create unusual properties in water what are they?

Liquid water is denser than ice.,Ice floats on top of liquid water. apex mike asencio

Are water molecles joined by ionic bonds or hydrogen bonds?

Water molecules H2O consist of two hydrogens each joined to a central oxygen attom by covalent bonds. Water molecules stick to one another by hydrogen bonds, but these are not permanent bonds in the liquid.

What bonds are broken when water is heated to boiling?

The primary bond that is broken when water is boiled is hydrogen bonds. There are other weaker intermolecular forces at work as well, but these are much weaker and not as significant. Once the hydrogen bonds are broken, the water molecules are not held as tightly together and can escape the liquid as gas.

Are hydrogen bonds weak bonds that form between water molecules in liquid form?

Yes, H-bonds are weak bonds. The hydrogen bond is approximately 30 times weaker than a normal covalent bond.

What intermolecular forces explain why water is a liquid at room temperature?

You think probable to hydrogen bonds.