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Variegated plants can revert to the normal green type sometimes. If you trim off the parts that are green, it will prevent them taking over the entire plant as they are stronger than the variegated leaves. Growing them in full sun also helps.

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Q: Why are the new leaves all green on your green and white plant?
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Are all plant leaves green?

no not all the time enyway

Why are plant leafs green but roots are not?

The roots of a plant aren't green because there is no chlorophyll in the roots. All of the chlorophyll in the chloroplasts are taken to the leaves of a plant. <3

How is white tea made white and not black?

Unlike green and black tea white tea is made from different varietals. Of all teas white is the least processed. It comes from a Camellia sinensis plant and always from the youngest leaves.

Do blueberries do photosynthesis?

Yes they do it. blueberry is a green plant. So it is doing that.

Do ferns contain chlorophyll-?

Chlorophyll makes the leaves in the plant green, since a fern is green, and has leaves, it contains chlorophyll. yes. all plants contain chlorophyll. it is found in the chloroplast of a plant cell, and is a pigment that reflects the color green.

Why do leaves of a plant appear green?

Not all leaves do, they could be red, yellow or orange it just depends on where the tree it has grown on is situated <3 plant trap

What best describes chlorophyll?

a green pigment in leaves which is found in the chloroplast of plant cells. it absorbs all the colors around it and emit the color green. so they give leaves their green color.

What gives a plant is green color?

When chlorophyll absorbs light, it aborbs all colors except green. Green light is reflected as the green color seen in leaves.

Why is it that not all the light that strikes the leaves of a plant is stored as chemical energy?

because they reflect green light

What reflected by a plant to give it a green color?

When chlorophyll absorbs light, it aborbs all colors except green. Green light is reflected as the green color seen in leaves.

Do leaves get there colour from a green pigment called chloride?

Yes, Coloured leaves contain chlorophyll. The leaf cells has chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll. The leaves appear in other colours is because that light contain many colour and when it reflects off the leaves you will see that it is in other colours.

Why is green tea different from black tea and pig tea?

Green tea, white tea, red tea, oolong tea, and black tea all come from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis;The processing that the leaves undergo to make the final tea is different. The leaves for black tea are fully oxidised while those for green teas are lightly steamed before being dried.