

Why are the pharaohs so big in hieroglyphs?

Updated: 10/19/2020
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13y ago

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The pharaohs in hieroglyphs are large because they were considered very important by the Egyptians.

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Q: Why are the pharaohs so big in hieroglyphs?
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Usually between a combination of DNA and the hieroglyphs which might name the deceased.

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so pharaohs can get burried in them.

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Pharaohs were the Egyptian kings. Though the egyptians did not call them kings, but pharaohs. So the pyramids were built fir pharaohs/kings.

Why pharaohs so powerful?

Pharaohs were so powerful because it was in their belief that they were connected to the gods in one way or another.

Why did the pharaohs want such big pyramids to be buried in?

Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs wanted such big Pyramids because it was a sign of their power. They wanted everyone to know what they could do. Pharaohs were recognized as Gods in Ancient Egypt. So when they had massive structures the pharaohs wanted them to last for eternity. When they built them they forced everyone to work on them. It was an honor to help build a pyramid. Not only was it forced but only the kings highest members of the family were able to bury the pharaoh. The Pharaohs were buried with gold and all the necessities needed to live in their after life. So pretty much because they can and it shows how powerful they are the more unique and the bigger the higher a pharaoh was believed to be.:)

Why was the translation of hieroglyphs an important discovery?

so peple can now it haha

How do you spell hyrogliffs?

The correct spelling is "hieroglyphs".

Why did the Egyptians embalm the pharaohs?

They believed that the pharaoh were the decedents of the gods, plus embalming was very expensive and could only be afforded by pharaohs and other officials.