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so peple can now it haha

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Q: Why was the translation of hieroglyphs an important discovery?
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What discovery allowed for the translation of Egyptian hieroglyphics?

The hieroglyphics of Egypt are one of the oldest forms of the written word known to man. The discovery of the Rosetta stone made it possible to read the hieroglyphs.

How were hieroglyphs read?

the Hieroglyphs were translated by the Rosetta stone which was a great discovery unlocking all Egypt's history.

The discovery of what enabled archaeologist to decode hieroglyphs?

The Rosetta Stone.

Based on the passage why was it so important that the scholars figured out that the inscription was the same in all three languages on the stone?

It was an important discovery because they would be able to compare the inscription they could translate with the hieroglyphs. This ability would allow them to find the hieroglyphs that meant the same thing as the words they knew.

What was discovered that allowed for hieroglyphs to be read?

The discovery of the Rosetta Stone helped a great deal.

Why are the pharaohs so big in hieroglyphs?

The pharaohs in hieroglyphs are large because they were considered very important by the Egyptians.

What important discovery was made there?

What important discovery was made there

What discovery finally made it possible for archaeologists to read Egyptian hieroglyphs?

Hammurabi's Code of Law Rosetta Stone Book of the Dead

Was glass an important discovery?

Yes glass was an important discovery

What were the forms of Egyptian writing and when were they used?

Hieroglyphs, hieratic and demotic. Hieroglyphs were only for statues, tombs, temples and important documents, and were not used every day. The other two are like simpler versions of hieroglyphs and were used everyday.

What is the artifact called?

The artifact is called the Rosetta Stone. It is a large slab of black basalt inscribed with a decree in three scripts: Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic script, and Ancient Greek. Its discovery in 1799 was crucial for understanding and deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs.

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