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Because with the 2nd ionisation of K, you are trying to take an electron from a fully filled orbital (octet rule) whereas with calcium it is getting down to a fully filled orbital

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The second ionisation energy is held much tightly, hence it is on an inner shell nearer to its nucleus.

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This element is potassium with 3052 kJ/mol.

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Q: Why the second ionization energy of Ca is lower than the second ionization energy of k?
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Does calcium have a lower first ionization energy level than sodium?

No. Calcium has TWO valence electrons, and Sodium has ONE. It is lot easier to take off one, than two you see. However, the second ionization energy of calcium IS however than the second ionization energy of Sodium. ;)

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No, an atom's successive ionization energies do not increase regularly. The first ionization energy, which is the energy required to remove the outermost electron, is typically lower than the second ionization energy, which is the energy required to remove the second electron. The ionization energies generally increase as more and more electrons are removed from an atom. However, there can be irregularities due to factors such as electron-electron repulsion and electron shielding.

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It takes more energy to knock off two electrons

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First ionization energy is the energy required to remove the first outermost electron from an atom. The second ionization energy is the energy required to remove the next available electron, and is greater than the first IE. The third IE is that energy needed to remove the third electron, and is greater the the second IE.

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