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Na, sodium

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Q: Which element has a lower first ionization energy than element S?
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Does Sulfur has a lower ionization energy than chlorine?

no sulfur is practically a gas

What produces the atomic fingerprint of an element?

electrons jumping to a lower energy level.

What is the first ionization energy of sulfur?

Firstly, you have to be familiar with the electron orbitals and how they fill. If you consider sulfur, you will notice that there are two electrons in its px orbital but only one in each of its py and pz orbitals. The two electrons in the px orbital are at different energies( one is higher than the other) and thus tend to repel each other. This repulsion causes the electrons to lose energy due to the fact that they are moving away from the nucleus and thus their attraction is lower. Therefore, the ionization energy decreases.

Why is it harder to remove an inner shell electron than a valence electron from an atom?

Electrons are attracted to the positive charge on the nucleus. The further an electron is found from the nucleus of an atom, the lower the force of attraction between it and the nucleus. Therefore an electron far away from the nucleus (like a valence electron) will have less of an attraction to the nucleus than one close to it. A lower attraction to the nucleus translates into the fact that less energy would then be required to remove the electron from the vicinity of that nucleus.

What is the lower heating value of carbon dioxide?

Zero . the heating value in general refer to the amount of energy released per each meter cube of the element combusted. CO2 is noncombustible gas.

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Which element has a lower first ionization energy than aluminum?

As an example potassium has a lower first ionization energy than aluminum (Al).

Which element has a lower first ionization energy than aluminum (Al)?

As an example potassium has a lower first ionization energy than aluminum (Al).

Which element has a lower 1st ionization energy than aluminum?

The first level ionization energy oif aluminium is 577,5 kJ/mol.All alkali metals have lower values for the ionization energy.

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Barium has more energy levels. So it has lesser ionization energy.

What element has a lower ionization energy than Na?


What is the relationship between elements and the periodic table and ionisation energy?

The relationship between atomic numbers and first ionization energies is that within the same period, as atomic number increases so does first ionization because as nuclear charge increases and atomic radius decreases, electrons become harder to remove. However, within the same group, the first ionization energy decreases as atomic number increases because of the added energy level, the electrons are farther from the nucleus and easier to remove.

Which of these elements has the highest first ionization energy Si or C?

The ionization energy is the energy needed to extract an electron from an atom; first ionization energy, second, third etc. can be measured. Reactive chemical elements have lower ionization energy.The first ionization energy for silicon is 786,5 kJ/mol.The first ionization energy for carbon is 1 086,5 kJ/mol.

On the periodic table, the element in the lower left corner would have the lowestA. Atomic MassB.Atomic NumberC.Atomic RadiusD. Ionization energy?

A. Atomic Mass B. Atomic Number C. Atomic Radius D. Ionization energy

How does the size of an atom relate to its ionization energy?

In general, the larger the atom the lower the first ionization energy at the right hand side of the periodic table. Take Lithium and Francium as examples. With Francium, the outer electron is much further away from the attractive power of the nucleus and is shielded by all the other electrons. The attraction is lower and thus it is easier to remove the electron making the first ionization energy lower. Incidentally, it makes it more reactive.

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What is the ionizaton energy present example?

The energy required to remove electron from atom are called ionization energy. Larger atom or molecule have lower ionization energy and molecule have higher ionization energy.

Does K or Zn have lower ionization energy?