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no sulfur is practically a gas

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Q: Does Sulfur has a lower ionization energy than chlorine?
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Which element has a lower 1st ionization energy than aluminum?

The first level ionization energy oif aluminium is 577,5 kJ/mol.All alkali metals have lower values for the ionization energy.

Between beryllium and barium which element will have the lower ionization energy?

Barium has more energy levels. So it has lesser ionization energy.

Which element has a lower first ionization energy than aluminum?

As an example potassium has a lower first ionization energy than aluminum (Al).

Which element has a lower first ionization energy than aluminum (Al)?

As an example potassium has a lower first ionization energy than aluminum (Al).

What is the ionizaton energy present example?

The energy required to remove electron from atom are called ionization energy. Larger atom or molecule have lower ionization energy and molecule have higher ionization energy.

Is magnesium's ionization energy higher or lower than chlorine?

ionization energies of mg is less than chlorine because chlorine requires only one electron to complete its octet so it will not prefer to loose its electron morover its electronegativity is also higher and it is of smaller size than mg so electtron removal is difficult

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Is it ionization energy is a periodic property?

Ionization energy generally increases across a period as a result of a higher nuclear charge, however there are some exceptions such as Boron which has a lower ionization energy than Beryllium (because it is in a P orbital), and Oxygen which has a lower ionization energy than nitrogen (Because ionization decreases the electron electron repulsion in its orbitals).

Which has lower ionization energy an atom with a small radius or an atom with a large radius?

Lower ionization energy would be associated with the larger atom, as the outer most electrons would be further from the nucleus, and not held as tightly.

Which of these elements has the highest first ionization energy Si or C?

The ionization energy is the energy needed to extract an electron from an atom; first ionization energy, second, third etc. can be measured. Reactive chemical elements have lower ionization energy.The first ionization energy for silicon is 786,5 kJ/mol.The first ionization energy for carbon is 1 086,5 kJ/mol.

Which element has a lower first ionization energy than element S?

Na, sodium