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Q: Why are the slopes of composite volcanoes are notoriously unstable and prone to landslides?
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What are three facts about composite volcanoes?

Multiple eruptions form composite volcanoes. Andesite magma is the most common type of magma that erupts from composite volcanoes. Composite volcanoes can grow so high that their slopes become unstable and collapse.

Where do landslides form?

on steep unstable surfaces.

Does wind cause most landslides?

No. Wind plays little if any role in landslides. Most landslides are caused by heavy rain on unstable slopes, expecially where vegetation has been removed or burned. Earthquakes are another common cause of landslides.

Why can volcanoes be both constructive and destructive?

The ash and lava that a volcano erupts can build up the land, which include the mountain of the volcano itself. In the case of underwater volcanoes, this process can created new islands. At the same time, the slopes of volcanoes are often unstable and prone to landslides, which are destructive. Very large eruptions can form large explosion craters and may even result in the volcano collapsing to forma depression called a caldera.

Why do major landslides occur near plate boundaries?

There are two reasons. First, the movement along plate boundaries and the accompanying folding and faulting can create hills and mountains. If the slopes become too steep they are unstable and prone to landslides. Second, movement along plate boundaries also generates earthquakes, which can trigger landslides.

What do the locations of earthquakes and volcanoes have in common?

They are both caused by the plates under the earth being unstable, therefore moving causing vibrations and the outcome is either volcanoes or earthquakes.

What is the function of land slide is to destroy the management of earth?

Landslides happen regardless of the responsible management practices of a few humans. People who spend their whole working lives researching what is a landslide, were do they happen, what causes landslides, how to stop landslides have been saying for many years that landslides are caused by slippage of earth and rock down a mountain. Sometimes this is caused by unstable mountainsides. Other times it is caused by people who cut down the trees on a mountainside that previously was stable enough to avoid landslides. The management of the Earth is part of the reason that landslides happen but not the only reason

Why can't you live in volcanoes?

Living in a volcano would generally involve living underground in an unstable area. Volcanic craters are also unstable and can be easily engulfed even by small eruptions.

How are landslides and and avalanches alike?

Landslides and avalanches are similar, because they are formed where unstable masses fall down a mountainside under gravity. They are different, because landslides are formed fromsolid rock or soil, whereas avalanches are formed from snow and ice.

Do landslides occur after a storm?

In many cases yes. Heavy rainfall can cause slopes to lose cohesion and fail. Rivers and streams swollen from rainwater can erode their banks and undermine unstable slopes as well.

What are facts about taal?

Well that would depend on what your talking about.If you are talking about the volcano Taal:Taal was once one of the largest volcanoes in the world, 18, 000 feet up.Taal is now the worlds smallest active volcanoes, only 700 meters high.Taal is now one of the most unstable of the world's active volcanoes.

Why are landslides common in California?

Landslides usually occur after an earthquake so they are quite likely to occur in Hawaii because of it's seismic and volcanic activity they are also common in the cascade mountains.