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The 4 Gospels were written by 4 people about one Jesus.

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Q: Why are there 4 Gospels but only one Jesus Christ?
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How did the gods participate in the afterlife?

They don't. There is only one God and that is Jesus Christ our Savior.

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There is only one GOd and his name is JESUS CHRIST. he is the only way to heaven and their is no ther way

Who is the one and only saviour?

Christians regard Jesus Christ as the one and only Saviour.

What gospels tells the story of Jesus?

There are four Gospels in the Bible. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This is in terms of the written scriptures. In terms of the teaching of the New Testament, there is only one Gospel message of good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. There are at least 17 known gospels, of which four are in the New Testament - those now called the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Why were there so many chapters written about the last week of Jesus' life?

We have four Gospels in the Bible. These Gospels give us the life of Jesus Christ from four slightly different angles. Because Jesus Christ came to earth to die for mankind's sin on the cross of Calvary this portion of the Gospels is very important. This was Jesus' greatest mission for coming to earth. No other person could appease God for the sins of man except Jesus. He was the God/Man, He was sinless, the Messiah that had been predicted to come for centuries before the event actually happened. He was the only one qualified to die for man and He is the only way to heaven, there is no other way. John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except by Me."

What is a sayings gospel?

A:The four New Testament gospels are examples of narrative gospels, as they tell a narrative, or story, about the life and mission of Jesus. A sayings gospel is one that contains little or no narrative, but describes sayings attributed to Jesus. It is typical of sayings gospels that there is no reference to the crucifixion of Jesus. Some scholars believe there were two very early strands of Christian faith. One was based on sayings and teachings attributed to Jesus, but with no tradition of the crucifixion and mission of Christ. The other strand being based around a a dying and resurrected Christ, without a sayings tradition.Two sayings gospels, the Gospel of Thomas and the hypothetical 'Q' Gospel, are believed to have been among the very earliest gospels ever written.

Where can one get 3D pictures of Jesus Christ?

One can find 3D pictures of Jesus Christ from the following sources: YouTube, eBay, Only Thru Jesus, Pictures Of Jesus 4 You, Huffington Post, ABC News.

Is Mark an Epistle?

Yes, the book of Mark is one of the four Gospels in the New Testament of the Bible which narrates the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is not an Epistle but a narrative of Jesus' teachings and actions.

What separates Mark from the other gospels?

The gospels in the New Testament are separated by how they present Jesus Christ in differing perspectives. Here is the basic idea ... Read the gospels to further understand... 1- Matthew starts with the genealogy of Joseph and how he is a descendant of David (the king) (Christ presented as the king of Israel) 2- Mark starts with the baptism of Jesus by John (Jesus Christ presented as the anointed one) 3- Luke starts with Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ as a member of the tribe of Levi of the daughters of Aaron (Priest Line), (Jesus presented as the High Priest of Israel) 1- John starts in the beginning and makes association with our Father and the Word, that word being made flesh and dwelling among us.... (Jesus Presented as the word made flesh)

What separates Mark from the other three gospels?

The gospels in the new testament are separated by how they present Jesus Christ in differing perspectives. Here is the basic idea ... Read the gospels to further understand... 1- Matthew starts with the genealogy of Joseph and how he is a descendant of David (the king) (Christ presented as the king of Israel) 2- Mark starts with the baptism of Jesus by John (Jesus Christ presented as the anointed one) 3- Luke starts with Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ as a member of the tribe of Levi of the daughters of Aaron (Priest Line), (Jesus presented as the High Priest of Israel) 1- John starts in the beginning and makes association with our Father and the Word, that word being made flesh and dwelling among us.... (Jesus Presented as the word made flesh)

How did Jesus become a Christ?

Christians believe that Jesus was and is Christ from the beginning of time. Unlike a human being becoming a Bodhisattva, Christians believe there is and only has been one Christ.

Are the four gospels about gods people before Jesus time on earth?

No. The four Gospels ('Gospel' means good news) are accounts by four of Jesus' contemporaries (and maybe one near-contemporary) about what Jesus said, what He did, where He went, to whom He spoke, etc. The Gospels contain references to God's people before Jesus' time (mostly made by Jesus Himself), but they are included only incidentally to the main thrust of the Scripture. The Gospels' principal focus is on Jesus.