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From hairspray residue on the mirror. It is sweet to the fruit flies. Just wash the mirror.

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Q: A cloud of fruit flies hovered over the bathroom?
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Can your drains in your kitchen and bathroom be the cause for fruit flies?

Yes, if you do not use them often and have poured sugary substances down the drain.

Why mango fruit called bathroom fruit?

Britishers named it as bathroom fruit but not sure why they called so. Interested in knowing why they called so.

Where do flies hold their eggs?

if you find one meget that looks lke a brown little little worm is there more and if so how do i get ride of them? and if my bathroom is clean how do i get them and if theres no flies just fruit flys

How do fruit flies get on fruit?

Fruit flies are attracted to the smell of the fruit, they fly to the fruit to get to it. There they breed and lay their eggs so some fruit flies are born on the fruit.

Do fruit flies become big flies?

No, they stay fruit flies.

How do fruit flies infest fruit?

Fruit flies infest fruit by actually burrowing into the fruit, and laying their eggs inside of it. So when they hatch, the fruit flies then devour their environment

Are you eating fruit fly larva when you eat fruit with fruit flies on it?

You probably are if female fruit flies were on it.

Who physical problem did the boys have from the fruit of lord of the flies?

They get terrible diarrhea, and stomach aches. That's why Ralph gets angry when the boys start going to the bathroom everywhere. It's caused by the unripe fruit that they're eating.

Are fruit flies decomposers?

Fruit flies are in fact decomposers. Ripe or rotting fruit is a mainstay in the diet of a fruit fly. Fruit flies also breed and lay larva in these environment.

When are fruit flies decomposers?

Fruit flies are in fact decomposers. Ripe or rotting fruit is a mainstay in the diet of a fruit fly. Fruit flies also breed and lay larva in these environment.

What were first fruit flies born?

fruit flies come from outside they do not generate from rotten fruit.

Why do fruit flies appear where there is no fruit?

Fruit Flies can sense other types of food too, like grains or vegetables. Also its very important to note that fruit flies do not only breed on fruit. Any sugary substance or even your rubbish bins can be perfect places for fruit flies. More information can be found here: