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There are: people. That's why these species are endangered.

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Q: Why are there no predators for lion or tiger?
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Related questions

What other animals are considered predators?

lion , tiger , etc . are considered as predators too .

What is the biggest and most dangerous predator in the jungle?

The only large predators that live in the jungle are the tiger and the jaguar.

What are animals that kill other animals for food?

Animals that chase, capture and kill other animals for their food are called carnivores and predators. Examples are: the lion, tiger, cheetah, leopard, bear...

What is a mixture of a lion and a tiger?

Male lion + female tiger = ligerMale tiger + female lion = tigon

Some of the largest land predators?

1- Polar bear 2- Kodiak bear and brown bears 3- Siberian Tiger and Bengal Tiger 4- African Lion

What is a offspring of a lion and tiger called?

Male lion + female tiger = ligerMale tiger + female lion = tigon

What is a lion plus tiger's cub?

If a lion and tiger have a cub it's called a liger or tigon.

What is the answer for tiger lion?

It depends on what the question is. Tiger lion is not a question.

Is the mountain lion the third biggest cat?

No. The largest cats, in order are: Siberian tiger Bengal tiger African lion Asiatic lion Indo Chinese tiger South China tiger Sumatran tiger Malayan tiger Jaguar Leopard Mountain lion

What is a cross of a lion and a tiger?

Male lion and female tiger - liger.Male tiger and female lion - tigon.

What is stronger a tiger or lion?

tiger has more mussels hunting skills and bite force

Is a white lion a predator of the tiger?

No, the white lion is not a predator of the tiger.