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Middle Child Syndrome is still a heavily debated topic within the scientific community, with only a few completed studies on the matter, there is limited hard evidence to factually determine what Middle Child Syndrome really is, or how it affects people, if it indeed can be clinically proven.

It is generally agreed that if it is a real syndrome, then it affects a middle child due to a lack of attention from parents when compared to younger and older siblings. This is said to cause the middle child to have trouble socially and emotionally, and can cause them to act out.

As a 'middle child' my view on this is still very undecided. I do have many of the attributes of Middle Child Syndrome, less parent dependent, social issues (minor anxiety) and very much the most creative of my siblings. Equally the idea that middle children do better in life than there siblings rings true for me, I am the only one of my siblings to go to University, both my siblings had children at relatively young ages (not that it is a bad thing, I adore my two nephews, it simply meant my siblings grand plans for life had to be put on hold)

I bring up my personal experiences to help embellish my response, but to also point out that I think it equally likely that the fact I was bullied for a lot of my younger life within the schooling system, could of cause me to withdraw socially. I didn't talk to my parents about it because I naively assumed it was somehow my fault, this could be why I am less parent dependent (equally I'd agree that it could be middle child syndrome that caused me not to go to my parents). And while I did spent most of my formative years telling my parents how they treated my younger sister and older brother differently to me, retrospectively, I don't think they did.

It is a human condition to assume that others have it better than you in some way or another, we envy people who are more confident, thinner, smarter etc, yet, everyone is capable of becoming more confident or thinner or smarter, it is simply easier to blame it on everyone else. Also it is also part of the human condition to identify with people (especially those you may never of met) who seem to be the same way inclined as you. When I first read about middle child syndrome, I sat there and thought to myself, goodness, this is me. This is why I am so bad with people, why I don't talk to my parents, why I always feel like I am in someway outcast in any and all social situations. But, after a few days thought of the topic, I realized that it was more than likely that I was simply identifying with this as way to make myself feel better.

Long winded as it may be, hopefully my own personal embellishments have helped you to understand why there is no 'right' information. So much of life goes into the creation of each individuals personalities (before we even look into the Nature V Nurture debate) so it will take extensive experiments and tests before this syndrome can have definitive information.

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