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That's the only kind of stallions there are. A stallion is an uncastrated male horse. The other male horses are geldings which are castrated males. That only leaves mares.

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Q: Why are there only male stallions?
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Is it true or false that stallions are males horses?

stallions are male horses

Can stallions have babies?

Stallions can Produce babies but they can't give birth as they are males.

Can a stallion mate a woman?

stallions can only be male. a mare is a female horse.

What is stallions population?

Stallions are just male intact horses, they are not in reference to a separate species of horse. Therefore the question has no merit.

What do you get when you cross a stallion and a Jack?

Stallions and jacks are both male.

Are all stallions black?

Absolutely not. Stallions are simply unfixed male horses, and can therefore be any color that mares can be. A horse's gender has no effect whatsoever on their color.

What would you call a male horse that can have foals?

Male horses that haven't been snipped are called stallions

A male horse is also known as?

They are known as either stallions or geldings. Stallions when they have the ability to bred, and they are called geldings when they have been castrated and can no longer breed.

When do black stallions give birth?

a "stallion" is a male horse so a male can't give birth to offspring.

Where do Stallions originate?

A Stallion is a male horse, horses originated on the steps of Asia.

What is a male breeding horse called?

A male breeding horse is called a stallion. If they are kept from breeding they are called geldings. Colts become stallions when they turn 3 years old. Stallions are usually very hard to handle.

Are stallions bigger than ponies?

Yes, stallions are grown male horses, ponies a kind of horse that never grow to the size of a full grown horse