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The maria are the craters. I believe it was Galileo who saw the dark spots on the moon and thought that they were seas, which is why he called them maria ("mar" being Latin for sea). Since then, advancements have been made in astronomy which have shown that the maria are not seas, but craters.

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Q: Why are there so few craters on the maria?
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What are the most obvious features on the Moon's surface?

Craters and the "maria".

Do craters cover most of the Earth?

No. Earth has relatively few impacts craters.

What made an impact on the moon?

Millions upon millions of meteors. Every crater that you see on the Moon is the result of a fairly large asteroid impact. And there are craters within craters within craters, down to a few feet across. Oh, and the big plains, the "maria"? That's where TRULY ENORMOUS asteroids hit, and turned half of the Moon molten from the heat.

How do impact craters effect lunar highlands and maria?

They Can If They Want To, but it depends on if they are SUPER religious

Why do you think there are millions of impact craters on the moon and so few on Earth?

The Earth has had far more asteroid and meteorite impacts than the moon. Impact craters on Earth however are eroded by the atmosphere and water and also filled in by water and sediment. Since the moon has next to no atmosphere craters tend not to erode so they will always be visable.

Is Mars cratered?

Yes. Mars has quite a few craters.

Would you expect to find many or few craters on Venus why?

Little craters because Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system, so any comets or asteroids would burn up because of the heat or in the thick atmosphere.

Why might more craters be present on far side of the moon than on the side of the moon facing earth?

The Moon's crust may be thicker on the far side. So there was less volcanic activity. So there is less lava to cover up craters. Lava flows form the "maria" which are much more in evidence on the side facing Earth.

Why do craters not erode on Mercury?

Mercury has no atmosphere and no surface fluids, so there is nothing to erode the craters.

Did Galileo discover creators?

Galileo discovered craters on the moon so therefor technically he discovered craters.

Why have scientists found few impact craters on Earth?

Because there are few erosion processes on the Moon to erase the craters. The Earth has had many more impacts, but those in the ocean were covered up and those on land were eroded away.

How did the invention of the telescope contribute to the knowledge of the moon surface?

Galileo's invention helped people see the craters and maria on the moon's surface.