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Because they are scared and dont know where else or who else they can turn to and and probley so scared that they havent got the courage to talk to anyone they know so they find it easier to ask questions and get answers of here because no body knows them and no body can go running to there parents or friends and they feel they can be heard and not judged on here. Have some consideration. What if it was you. Because these children are not taught properly.

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Q: Why are there so many personal questions about periods pregnancy puberty etc on Wikianswers?
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Why doesn't WikiAnswers let you use periods and parentheses etc.?

Punctuation can cause problems with the URLs (web addresses) of questions on WikiAnswers. WikiAnswers is actively looking for solutions around this problem and may support punctuation in questions in the future.

Why can you not use commas in WikiAnswers?

When you ask a question, and it takes commas out, that is because it is looking for punctuation marks to take out. This is because we don't want questions with periods at the end. The questions mark is automatically put in. Often people put periods at the end of a sentence as a reflex and don't notice they did. They might also have forgotten that questions need questions marks, not periods. The site is trying to help out to have more questions punctuated correctly.Limitations in the WikiAnswers database do not allow certain characters to be used in questions. Also, we would be reluctant to add commas to questions, as commas would allow many different variations of a question to be asked.See Related Question.

What does an Archive Researcher do on WikiAnswers?

Archive Researchers tackle questions that have sat unanswered for long periods of time. Some of these are more difficult questions and require some research. They may recommend that the more interesting selections become Featured Questions.

Why don't WikiAnswers let us use punctuation including commas?

WikiAnswers wishes for you to use commas and proper punctuation in your answers, but only question marks and a few other symbols are allowed in asking questions. The use of periods and hyphens are sometimes allowed, as well as other specialized characters such as the degree ° symbol.

Is pregnancy 38 or 40 wks?

pregnancy lasts for a periods of 40 weeks from last missed periods. Pregnancy lasts for 38 weeks from the date of conception. Normally you do not know the date of conception. The date of last periods is taken normally to calculate the weeks of pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy if you're on NuvaRing?

Symptoms of pregnancy on NuvaRing are absent periods and positive pregnancy test.

Is Pregnancy possible with irregular periods?


Why would you skip several periods?


What can be the problem if you have no periods and stomach cramps?


What is a first sign of pregnancy?

no periods obviously

Can you take a pregnancy test between periods?


Can taking i-pill between primount N medication will delay periods When later is taken to cure the problen of irregular periods What are the chance of pregnancy?

When the i pill is used, it can delay the periods and the chances of pregnancy are low.