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White tigers aren't a separate species, they're simply a rare version of the bengal tiger. In the wild, being white is a big disadvantage. As cubs they're more easily spotted by anything that might think of a tiger cub as being a nice snack. As adults, hunting gets more difficult because they're more easily spotted by their prey. In captivity they're protected from predators as cubs, and they're fed by keepers. So more of them survive. Also, us humans like the way they look, which draws visitors to zoos, so zoos are eager to get them.

Tigers are often bred specially for the purpose of creating white tigers.

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Q: Why are there so many white tigers in captivity?
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What do white tigers eat in captivity?

white tigers eat meat, so they will eat what ever they get from the people that feed them

What is the lifespan of the white Siberian tiger?

All tigers live longer in captivity than in the wild, up to 23 years or so. White tigers are Bengals only, unless crossbred with Siberians.

How long do Siberian tigers live?

All known naturally occurring White tigers - and there's been preciously few of those - have been bengal tigers. Don't Think there are any White siberian tigers in the wild. Might be a bengal/siberian White cross in captivity somewhere. Which would most likely have the same Life expectancy as its parents.

How many baby white tigers are born?

they are endangered so i think that not a lot of white tigers are born.

What is the habitat of Bengal tigers and white tigers?

White tigers are a rare varation of the normal bengal tiger. Left to itself, it would hav the same kind of habitat as the normal bengal tigers - the Forests of India and some neighboring countries. But since us humans found the black and White tiger so striking, there are more White tigers alive today in captivity in parks and zoos than there has ever been in the wild. So today, the most probable habitat of a White tiger is a zoo or a park.

Why are snow tigers white?

snow tigers are white so they can blend in

Are white tigers called snow tigers?

I believe so. if you type up 'snow tigers', the pictures are white tigers.

How many Bengal tigers are in captivity?

i think that about 150 tigers die a year in captivity... but i am not sure so if anybody finds this please edit!!p.s. i suck at answering things.

Why is it important to save white tigers?

White tigers are so important because they are an endangered species. That means that they are on the brink of extinction and if we don't care about them, they will die out. They're incredibly rare and are beautiful animals to watch. The white tigers are currently being inbreed, but have failed to because of serious birth defects.

How many white tigers are left in the world today?

Contrary to popular belief, white tigers are merely a genetic color mutation of the Bengal tiger, and do not constitute a separate species. At this time, populations of Bengal tigers are estimated to be between 1,300 and 1,500. But according to zoologists, there is only a 1 in 10,000 chance that a Bengal tiger will be born with the white genetic mutation.In the past 100 years, there have only been 12 confirmed reports of white tiger sightings in the wild, the last of which occurred in 1959.Due to their coloration, it is believed that white tigers are disadvantaged in the wild since their stark markings make them far more visible to prey in the dark jungle.In captivity, white tigers are achieved through selective breeding, as both parents need to be carriers of the white gene in order to produce white offspring. Because of this, many zoos have resorted to inbreeding (matings between relatives), which can cause the cubs to suffer from a wide range of ailments, from cleft palates to mental retardation.According to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the World Wildlife Fund, white tigers have no conservation-related value aside from increasing zoo attendance. They are not included in any Species Survival Plan, and exist only in zoos and private collections today.There are at least 200 white tigers in zoos today, but many more in the hands of private owners who keep them as 'pets'.The white coloration is a mutation, in the wild there are few if any, In captivity there are a few dozen.White tigers is not a type of tiger that survives in the wild because they do not have their natural camouflage they only survive in captivity so their numbers are higher in zoos and such there really isn't a count that I know of because people are more concerned with the depleting numbers of tigers in general in the wild. White tigers is typically a birth defect like albinism or maladistic coloring in other species of big cats like leopards or jaguars ( there is no such thing as a black panther it is a maladistic black leopard or cougar)There are a few hundred in zoos or other captive situations, none presently in the wild.There are NO white tigers left in the world. There are only BENGAL tigers.20 billionthere are only around 200 white tigers left in the world witch if you think about it is sad because if you have a kid when you are older it might not see a white tiger :(:'(The white coloration is a mutation, in the wild there are few if any, In captivity there are a few dozen.there are about 200 white tiges left and they are all in captivity

What is the climate were white tigers live?

white tigers live in India so in India the climate is hot and tropical climate

When were white tiger created?

White Tigers are a genetic abnormality, so they could have appeared at anytime throughout the Tigers existence.