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If you've ever thought of it we have A LOT of words for vomit. (Upchuck, barf, puke, throw up, toss cookies, heave, retch etc.)

Americans are fascinated by gross things. Instead of finding the cure for cancer Americans are wasting time thinking of words for vomit and making them famous. ( And we wonder why the country's in a crisis)

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brown vomit? you ate to many turds

How do you eat the salad on wimpy wonderland on an iMac computer?

you click as fast as you can so you won't vomit. Similar words are: puke, throw up, and barf.

Can you laugh so hard you vomit out your small intestines?

No, it is physically impossible to laugh so hard you vomit out your small intestine. The small intestine extracts nutrients from bile. The small intestine is part of the stomach, but no vomit comes out of it.

Can you vomit up your own lung and survive?

You can't vomit up your lung to start with, so you can't die from it.

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No, obviously plants etc cannot vomit, also rats do not have the ability to vomit, that's why rat poison is so effective on them.

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Is it possible to vomit so hard you flip inside out?

No, it is not.

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Can you list all the words in the world that have a V in them?

vital, vital, vital vanes vomit

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You take the vomit you got from the crane after you helped the boy with his frisbee, to the BumperCras line. When you find it get longer put the fave vomit infront of it so they will leave.

How many people vomit a year?

A bout 336,890