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The boys are concerned about their appearance when meeting Jack because they are still trying to maintain a sense of order and civilization in the face of the chaos on the island. They want to present themselves as civilized and put together to try to hold on to their sense of identity and control. This concern for their appearance also reflects their desire to maintain social norms and avoid being judged by others.

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Q: Why are they so concerned about how they look when they go meet jack in lord of flies?
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Is jack concerned with the groups well fare in lord of the flies?

No, Jack is primarily concerned with his own power and control over the group in "Lord of the Flies." He becomes increasingly ruthless and power-hungry, leading to conflict with the other boys on the island. His actions prioritize his personal desires and authority rather than the well-being of the group.

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It is the pig's head cut off by jack, transformed from a loving pig to a creepy horror. The flies were buzzing around the head, making the pigs head the Lord of the Flies. In other interpretations, Jack is considered to be the Lord of the Flies. The beast is also thought to be the Lord of the Flies.

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The lord of the flies is the head of the pig that Jack and his 'tribe' killed, they left it on a stake as an offering to the beast (ie)

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