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Enzymes are thought to function primarily by stabilizing the transition state of the reaction. By binding the transition state more tightly than either the substrates or the products, the enzyme lowers the energy barrier of the reaction. Thus a transition state analog will bind more tightly to the enzyme than either the substrates or the products, preventing them from binding to the enzyme and reacting.

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11y ago

Because transition states are inherently unstable, molecules resembling transition states are also likely to be unstable, and thus difficult to synthesize.

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What causes smear instead of a clear band in PCR?

A smear in your PCR can be caused by too low annealing temperature. Too much or little magnesium or poor primer design or most likely poorly extracted DNA for your template. Precipitate your template DNA again with 70% ethanol give it a good dry and re-elute and try once more. You can also try diluting your template. If there are PCR inhibitors in your DNA prep then using less template can improve results. If you have plenty of DNA in your prep then a 10 or even 100 fold dilution shouldn't prevent good amplification.

Pathologic condition affect the homeostasis of the body?

Pathological conditions do affect the homeostasis of the body. This is the constant state of the body when it is in good health. An illness will change this homeostasis.

What are the 4 uncommon states of matter?

There are three common states of matter and one uncommon. Gas, liquid, solid, and then plasma. A good example of something is a plasma state would be the sun and other stars.

What is the difference between wellness and illness?

The difference between illness and wellness, is that illness is a state experienced by the body when one or more of the control systems loose the ability to maintain homeostatis. On the other half wellness is the promotion of health though preventive measures and the pratice of good health habits.

Why was Sugar Maple selected as Vermont state tree?

Vermont is known as the green mountain state and has a whole lot of maple trees. They also have the perfect weather conditions for making the best maple syrup. I live just across the lake from Vermont so we also make awesome maple syrup also the candy that is made from it is sinfully fattening but oh so good!! Besides all they have are mountains and maple trees so of course they would perfect it lol. Really though it is a beautiful and serene place.

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copper is a transition metal. transition metals are good conductors of electricity. QED, copper is a good conductor of electricity.

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if my memory is good, hepititis C protease, inhibits protease stopping activity

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Transition metals are located in groups 3-12. They are malleable, tensile, and good conductors of electricity and heat.

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What are some good transition words for second body paragraph?

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Can you start a sentence with in this case?

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