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Two bulbs in parallel are brighter than the same two bulbs in series, given the same potential voltage, because there is twice the available voltage to each bulb.

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Q: Why are two bulbs in parallel bright when you build a parallel circuit with two bulbs a one d- cell battery?
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How many FFs are required to build a binary counter circuit to count from 0 to 1023?


How do I build a 30 second timer that resets?

Do a google search for: 555 timer circuit You will find hundreds of circuits you can use.

What is High frequency dc voltage intensifier circuit?

the voltage intensifier circuit was invented by Stanley A Meyerand was used to fracture water. The circuit includes a secondary of a transformer, a positive and negative inductor, blocking diode and water capacitor. We still don't know exactly how to build one or how it works. Stanley took that to his grave, but many people such as my self are working on it.

Is there anyway to build a blue laser driver circuit WITHOUT using a LM317 Chip?

No. you need that regulator to accuratly measure the current or you will destroy the laser diode . Blue laser Diodes will Blow on regular 3 volt batteries because a regular battery (aaa) supplies way more current to the diodes than it needs thus burning it out .Most AA batteries can produce 1 amp or more . (Poof)

A simple model of a circuit?

An electric circuit is a closed loop that allows a flow of electrons to begin from a source of the electrons and return to the same source. Some of the energy carried by the current from the source may or may not be released to perform useful work. Because of the resistance of the materials in the circuit, some of the energy carried by the current is always lost as heat emitted from the circuit into the surrounding environment. The flow of electrons around the closed loop is called an electric current. The source of the electrons must be a chemical battery or a mechanical generator which produces a potential difference, also known as a voltage.

Related questions

Is series or parallel circuit cheaper?

Series circuits are generally cheaper to build compared to parallel circuits because they require fewer components such as wires and connectors. In a series circuit, the components are connected end-to-end, whereas in a parallel circuit, each component is connected to the power source independently, requiring more wiring.

How do you build a series circuit in your home?

You do not build a series circuit in your home. The only series circuits are the circuits that go through circuit breakers, light switches, and relays. Electrical and electronic devices use internal series circuits but those are the only ones people build. No one builds series circuits for house wiring. Electrical outlets are connected with parallel wiring.

How do you build a battery charger for 12v and 24v with variable current ratings?

It is possible but it is too involved to explain here. You would need a printed circuit board and a schematic to build what you want.

What three things do you need to build a simple curcuit?

To build a simple circuit, you need a power source (such as a battery), a conducting material (like wires or conductive tape), and a load component (such as an LED). Connecting these elements in a closed loop allows the flow of electricity and for the circuit to function.

Can i build a electric circuit by using wire a bulb a battery?

yes! connect all the bulbs in parallel.. i.e. battery positive terminal will be tied to one side terminals of bulb and other terminal to the other. but it will result in less power delivered.. and fast battery usage..

What is the function of a build in an electric circuit?

I have never heard of an electrical term "build" in an electrical circuit.

Why does your 1983 Chevy van shock you when you touch metal?

The battery is connected. In vehicles the power (electrons) comes from the negative terminal in the battery and your body provided the positive (magnectic inductance) to complete circuit probably from static electricity you had build up.

In a DC circuit is there an alternate to rheostat for controlling the battery voltage?

In a DC circuit, one alternate to the rheostat for controlling battery voltage is a voltage regulator. You could build a linear regulator, but you need to consider the power that might be dissipated - this would be the same amount of power dissipated by the rheostat. You could also build a switching regulator - this would be more complex, but it could be more efficient because the dissipation across the regulator would be less.

How do you build a parallel circuit?

BATTERY + - | | | | | ----------------------LED-----------LED---------LED---------LED------------ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ No the above is a series circuit it would also need a ballast resistor so not to cook your LED's. This is a parallel circuit- +---------- ---- ---- ---- | | | | LED LED LED LED | | | | - ---------- ---- ---- ---- It is best to give each LED its own resistor.(not shown) For some reason when I click save it removes the spaces, ASCII characters have never been good for representing circuit diagrams.

What do you need to build a circuit?

The things needed to build a circuit are:Circuit elements like resistor capacitors, inductors etcConnectors (cables)A source

Can you start a car with a lemon battery?

It would be possible but you would need to build one involving many many lemons in series (to get up to 12 volts) and then many banks of these in parallel (to deliver the power).

How do you build a circuit?

Three main components that are needed to build a circuit will be a power source. This supplies the circuit with a voltage to operate. A load to make the current flow through the circuit, and conductors to join these two devices together to carry the current.