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Unicellular, meaning Uni- "one" and cellular- "cell"... Being only one cell big it can't possibly be that big... So it is usually micro in size. Yeast is unicellular but it is about as large as they come.

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Because they consist of 1 cell. And almost all cells are micro-organisms.

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Q: Why are unicellular organisms often called microorganisms?
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Explain why unicellular organisms are often called micro organisms?

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Well, multicellular and unicellular organisms vary greater in differences. For starters, multicellular organisms have multiple cells, hence the name, while unicellular organisms are single-celled. Also, multi-cellular organisms are in animals, humans, and plants, while single-celled organisms are mainly found only in bacteria and often fungus. Lastly, multi-cellular organisms are composed n tissues, organs, and organ systems while single-celled organisms stand alone; hence the name.

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Multicellular organism is: an organism that is made up of more than one cell Unicellular organism can only be seen using microscopes , are often called microorganisms each cell displays all characteristics of living things they include: bacteria , some protists and some fungi...

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A "multi cellular" organism has a body made out of more than one cell. Humans are multi cellular organisms. A "unicellular" organism has a body body made out of just one cell. An amoeba is a unicellular organism.

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Unicellular organisms can died, but often they reproduce by fissioning into two new cells. Since neither cell is considered the original, the old cell never really dies.

Does dried blood contain microorganism?

Dried blood can contain microorganisms. However, these organisms that can be found in dried blood are most often no longer living.

How do archaebacteria and Eubacteria kingdoms differ?

Archaeabacteria is a kingdom in the domain Archaea, and Eubacteria is a kingdom in the domain Bacteria. Both kingdoms contain bacteria that are prokaryotic, unicellular, and autotrophs or heterotrophs. However, Arechaeabacteria have cell walls without peptidoglycan which is the opposite from Eubacteria. Eubacteria often are the types of bacteria that make up dangerous diseases. Also, Archaeabacteria can live in extreme environments that many other organisms could not stand.