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In my opinion, it is because eating meat is not good for people's health and increases the risks of cancer and heart diseases and people care more about animals.

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Q: Why are vegetarian diets so popular?
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Related questions

What are some common popular diets?

Some of the most popular diets out there has to be the zone and Atkins diet were carbohydrates are and the vegetarian and vegan diets were no animal products are allowed for consumption.

Is there a vegetarian diet weight loss plan?

Yes there are in fact some diet plans for vegetarians. They are special diets catered to vegetarians and there are some popular diets you can edit to work for a vegetarian.

When did poultry get included in vegetarian diets?

Never, poultry is not vegetarian.

Where can I find more information on vegetarian diets?

You can find information on vegetarian diets online and at your local library. Sites such as about will give you all the information you need to start a vegetarian diet.

What are some vegetarian diets?

Some vegetarian diets include the Vegan diet. I believe they eat special types of food and no meat as vegetarians do. You can also find more on the computer.

The majority of people in India prefer which type of diets?


What is the Walking Sticks diet?

The Walking Stick is a vegetarian and diets on leaves.

Where does the word vegetarian come from?

The term vegetarian was coined in 1847 by the founders of the Vegetarian Society of Great Britain, but vegetarianism has been around as long as people have created diets.

Are all lacto-ovo vegetarian diets equal?

No, you can be a lacto-ovo vegetarian and still eat unbalanced and unhealthy! Or you can eat balanced and healthy!

Where can I find a good vegetarian diet?

The mayoclinic has great ideas for starting your change in diet to vegetarian. Also the NHS pages have quick guides to meals for both vegetarian and vegan diets.

Is it healthy being vegetarian?

Yes, if done right--it is healthier than carnivorous diets.

What are some popular Living Food Diets?

Living Food Diet isn't really a "diet" at all. It is a vegetarian/vegan ifestyle where you eat foods that have not been cooked such as vegetables, fruits and nuts.